point-or slit- images on the emulsion (scan photography or strip - and
panoramic photography) the real time advantages of imaging are lost,
since the photgraph is then created by moving the shutter opening relative
to the emulsion over a finite time interval while the sensor platform is
moved. Contrary to frame camera images scan,-strip-,or panoramic photo-
graphy has therefore additional dynamic distortions due to irregularities
in platform-attitude or platform-motion and in film or shutter movement.
If photographic emulsions cannot be used, imaging must occur in an
indirect manner.
In the visible, or near visible light range one may utilize optical pro-
jection to create a two-dimensional image on the surface of a vidicon-
or orthicon-imaging tube. The phosphor particles store the projected real-
time image for a limited time period. They too are only sensitive within
the range fromA=0.3 to 1.0 um and must be scanned electronically to ob-
tain a time varying sequence of point by point image densities. From
these the indirect image may be reconstructed on a television tube and
photographed onto a photographic emulsion for permanent two-dimensional
storage. Since electonic scanning occurs in real-time dynamic distortions
do not occur, however additional distortions through inaccuracies of the
tube components used for electronic scanning are present.
Outside the limits of the visible or near visible light range it becomes
difficult or impossible to generate a two-dimensional array of energy
sensitive particles to which the energy may be directed. Instead one
quantum detector may be used to generate a time varying sequence of re-
ceived radiation signals. The direction of the signals is controlled by
mechanical scanning.
In the infrared and ultraviolet ranges scanning is achieved by prisms
which rotate in a direction perpendicular to the forward movement of the
scanner platform} Thus the radiation of a continuous sequence of image
* Only A.G.A. produces a mechanical scanner operating in two dimensions in
real time. The image is restricted to a narrow image angle (5x59,extendable
to 25x259) and a low resolution (5mrad).The display is made through a tele-
vision system. 3