Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

Table | gives a summary of the first two properties for existing e 
image sensor types: 
table | 
Properties of existing image sensor types 
Sensor energy |spectral | spectral acquisition| penetration| natural application 
type source |separation range conditions contrast 
O.3um (day, mapping, 
sun filters, to no geographic 
Photography emulsions| 1.0 ym | clouds unlimited topo- interpretation, 
(passive) graphy forestry 
Infrared earth detectors 1.Qum day and tempera- hydrology e 
scanning (passive) to night, unlimited ture pollution contror 
20um no clouds differ- jgeology, 
ences military 
(moisture, reconnaissance 
Radio- earth 5 mm day and subsurface 
antennas to unlimited tempera- 
metry (passive) | m night ture 
micro- pulse 5 mm day and 3 km mass tone srarèie 
wave-  jfrequen- night to structure| mapping of 
Radar pulses |cies to despite 20 km differ- loud covered 
and of ences Food 
(active) antennas |! m clouds (tectonics] (tropics), 
buildings) geology 
ultra- {pulse 30 50 m under- underwater 
sound frequen- |to to water- geology 
Sonar pulses |cies 40 kc water 2000 m topogra- 
(active) phy m 

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