Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

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experiments mostly been applied to single images 441. 
9, Recommendations 
The present development in remote sensing can be characterized 
as follows: 
A variety of sophisticated remote sensors has been developed 
and technically perfected for operational use. The use of 
remote sensors has sofar been advanced by the philosophy of 
trying to find applications for the technology. One of the 
handicaps has been the extreme variety of sensor materials 
(different scales, different geometries, different resolu- 
tions, different times). Satellite applications of remote 
sensing are for the first time attempting an organized data 
acquisition, data processing and data display approach. It 
will no doubt prove, that simply looking at pictures is 
inferior to a quantitative comparison approach. In order to 
set it into practice a new type of "photo-interpreter" is 
required, who is oriented toward measurement. Since classi- 
cal photogrammetry is also oriented toward measurement the 
question might be asked: why do photogrammetrists as pro- 
fessionals not start to measure other quantities than distan- 
ces and angles? Even if they do not, they have a big contri- 
bution to make in rectifying sensor images to common base. 
In order to do thís an endless number of problems should 
be solved, of which I consider the following as most impor- 
l. The accuracy of present stabilization and recording 
systems for platform position and attitudes should be 
tested. An analysis should be made for the different 
sensor types, as to which recording system needs 
further improvements with regard to image geometry. 
-ho - 

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