Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

- him 
R.N. Colwell, et al.: 
"Basic Matter and Energy Relationships Involved in 
Remote Reconnaissance" 
Photogrammetric Engineering 1963, pp. 761 - 799 
E.S. Leonardo: 
"Capabilities and Limitations of Remote Sensors” 
Photogrammetric Engineering 1964, pp. 1005 - 1010 
"Third Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment" 
University of Michigan, October 14-16, 1964 
(Abstract: Phot. Eng. 1965, p. 507); 
also proceedings of subsequent symposia 
Committee on Remote Sensing for Agricultural Purposes 
National Research Council: 
"Remote Sensing with Special Reference to Agriculture 
and Forestry" 
National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. 1970 
Holter, Nudelmann, Suits, Wolfe & Zissis: 
"Fundamentals of Infrared Technology" 
MacMillan Co., New York 1962 
S.A. Hempenius: 
"Image Formation Technique for Remote Sensing from 
a Moving Platform" 
ITC Series.A, No. 46 
ITC Series B, No. 53 
Delft, 1969 
- UD — 

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