Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

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Figure 1: The basic pattern of image deformation. 
In other words, we assume the image deformation to be constant 
for all photograms in the block. 
2.2 From the infinite number of possible systematic image deform- 
ations a large and important class can be represented as an 
algebraic sum of a few properly selected basic patterns of 
image deformation. For this purpose Masson d'Autume (1966) 
proposed a basic set of 4 patterns. In the present context 
we will use the four basic patterns which were proposed by 3.5 
Kubik (1971) and which are denoted by A, P, T and R (cf.figure E, Se 
The study of a large class of image deformations can then be 
limited to just the basic types, thus simplifying the task 
considerably.In the basic patterns the maximum coordinate 

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