Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

General Report of Commission IV 
President : Prof. Ir. A.J. van der Weele 
Secretary : Prof, Dr. H.G. Jerie 
This General Report of Commission IV, dealing with Mapping from Photographs, 
is divided into four sections. The first section contains & description of the 
Commission activities. The selection of the main discussion topics for the 
Ottawa Congress and the activities of the working groups are included in section 
II. The main body of this report, section III, contains a summary of the replies 
received from member countries regarding an enquiry into changes that have 
occurred in the field of Commission IV since the 1968 Lausanne Congress. 
Finally, section IV contains à preliminary Summary of replies received from a 
questionnaire on mapping projects. 
The activities of Commission IV between 1968 and 1972 were based on the resolutions 
adopted at the end of the Eleventh Congress in Lausanne in 1968, together with 
the directions and suggestions subsequently received from the President and 
Council of the International Society of Photogrammetry. 
Apart from the establishment of working groups and the appointment of rapporteurs 
to deal with the various themes of interest, which will be described in section 
II, the Commission's main activity consisted of the organisation of an Inter- 
national Symposium held in the Aula of the Delft Technological University from 
8th-11th September 1970 and attended by 146 participants from 32 countries. 
Three main topics were selected for the working sessions, namely Planning, Auto- 
mation and Remote Sensing. In the Planning session, papers were delivered by 
A.J. Brandenberger and H.G. Jerie, followed by a discussion under the Chairman- 
ship of W.P. Smith. 
G.C. Tewinkel chaired the Automation session, papers being delivered by 
B. Dubuisson and G.Petrie. In the Remote Sensing session , under the chairmanship 
of J.M. Zarzycki, papers were delivered by F. Leberl, G. Koneony and J.I. Taylor. 
Prior to the official meeting of National Correspondents to Commission IV, a 
discussion session was held under the chairmanship of A.J. van der Weele to 
consider topics for invited papers and international experiments and to define 
the main problem areas to which working sessions could be devoted during the 

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