Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

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List articles published since 1968 on topics within the field of Comm. IV. 
Research and development 
Give brief details of research projects, developments of new mapping Systems, 
eic. being conducted in your country. 
In addition to the general questions given above, proposals raised during the 
Comm. IV Symposium in Delft requested that an enquiry be made into map 
evaluation and map checking procedures. 
Map evaluation 
It is proposed that map producing agencies be encouraged to print an evaluation 
on their maps. This evaluation should preferably be in the form of an inter- 
nationally agreed upon code number, expressing the various items of map quality 
such as completeness, planimetric and height accuracy, etc. Would the mapping 
agencies in your country react favourably to such a proposal and would they 
be interested in cooperating to effect its realisation? 
Map checking procedures 
Information is requested on map checking procedures employed throughout the 
world, and in particular on the following items:- 
— percentage of work checked 
— are checks performed by contractor, by client or by independent agency 
— are individual phases of project checked or only final product 
— do checks of final product include both accuracy and completeness checks 
— what procedures are employed e.g. field, office or & combination of these 

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