Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

yes | no 
22 Ground controls 
ation & a FE] (a) Number of control points 
established & their estimated 
aocutacies TT "Dou Le ee 
Planimetry Height Plan + height 
(b) Survey procedures used 
(c) Are points signalised? [yes/no] 
(d) Number of field partiess........ Size of average 
field party: Surveyorsi 
be ee6e 
3e Aerial photography: 
DL} (a) Aircraft: Type of airorafit......... 
Aircraft ceilingi.........m/ft 
i... Im/inches 
10 0 000 0 0 0 0 00006 [1 (b) Flight 
«ee «Contour plan 3 Forward overlapt........% Side overlapesese s. o 
' ihe Were cross strips flown? Av. distance between 
1/54 cross Strips...........km/miles 
E (c) Camera : Type(s) of camerals)z...........(with/without reseau) 
Was a stabilised mount used? 
exisi: b Film/filter combination uUS@d?z.... 
>S / no| 
If other than black & white panchromatic film used, 
was this decision mainly based ons 
ease of interpretation? yes/no 
climate? yes/no 
no] [ ] (d) Photo scales Photo soale(s)s......» 
If two photo scales used, were these obtained: 
j| i) in separate flights with the same eamera 
ii) in separate flights with different cameras 
pus ; insi Len 
ot yes/no iii) in a single flight 
Was the decision on single/double photo scale(s) mainly 
t yes/no 
influenced by: 
T yes/no 
i) planimetric accuracy requirements 
Sed aa, ii) height accuracy requirements 
iii) map content requirements (incl. interpretation) 
iv) height differences in project area 
v) type of camera 
e o vi) aircraft ceiling 
P vii) Othertooeee.oe9 69/0496 9999/09 99/9.9.00990099»90999 6 
nd margin 

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