Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

b) Water area of the earth (70% of the entire area of the earth): 
Geodetic work and aerial photography in these regions is insi- 
gnificant and does probably not cover more than 1% of the entire area 
(shallow areas). As for appropriate topographic map coverage of the 
bottom of oceanic and inland water bodies it can be assumed that pro- 
bably not more than 5% of the entire water area has been completed at 
scales 1:100,000 and larger. 
For the annual progress rates on a global basis we arrived at 
the following estimated values: 
a) Land area of the earth: 
1. Geodetic work: Annual progress rate = 0.4% 
2. Aerial photography coverage: Annual progress rate - 4.4% 
3. Up-dated topographic map coverage: Annual progress rate at 
scales 1:100,000 and larger - 0.35%. 
b) Mater area of the earth: 
The annual progress rates for geodetic work and aerial photography 
coverage is practically 02. For an appropriate topographic map 
coverage of the bottom of oceanic and inland water bodies we esti- 
mate that at scales 1:100,000 and larger the annual progress rate 
is in the neighbourhood of 0.1%. 
It appears obvious that such annual progress rates on a global 
basis are inadequate if one considers for instance the fact that the 
world's population increases presently by 2% per year; a.very:.^y 

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