Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

millions of dollars. This is the essence of the problem and this es- 
sence might help us in analysing the economic significance of the pre- 
sent day's surveying and mapping activity and in determining what role 
surveying and mapping in general and photogrammetry in particular 
should play to be of optimum benefit to the economy of the country in 
The development of our territories represents big business; 
billions of dollars are involved. Big business requires careful plan- 
ning which must be done on the basis of a high sense for responsibi- 
lity as a substantial part of the taxpayers money is involved. A tho- 
rough planning for territorial developments can only be achieved on the 
basis of a comprehensive and up-to-date inventory of all actual perti- 
nent features and factors. This requires the availability of a com- 
prehensive and up-to-date surveying and mapping system; without such 
a system, a comprehensive planning is impossible. 
In establishing such a system, two quite specific features of 
surveying and mapping (including photogrammetric surveying and mapping) 
must be duly considered, namely the fact that surveying and mapping 
in general represents the first phase of a development project and 
that the costs for surveying and mapping usually make out a very mi- 
nor portion (usually less than 12) of the entire costs for the comple- 
tion of the project. These two features impose constraints as to the 

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