Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

time period allowable for the completion of the surveying and mapping 
phase and have also a bearing on the economy of the entire develop- 
ment project in general and of the rentability of the surveying and 
mapping phase in particular. Let s explain this by means of a ficti- 
tious example: 
Suppose we deal with a U.S.$ 1 billion national development. 
program to be completed within five years, and let's assume that the 
rentability of the completed project will be 62 annually. Furthermore, 
let's assume that the costs for the surveying and mapping phase as | 
starting phase of the program amount to U.S.$ 1 million in accor- 
dance with the world's present annual rate of 0.1% of the GNP for 
surveying and mapping. Then already a delay of only one week in com- 
pleting the entire project due to a too slow surveying and mapping 
phase would result in a loss of money equal to the entire costs for 
the surveying and mapping phase. For a project completion delay of 
] month due to slowness of the surveying and mapping phase already 
a loss of money would result which is equivalent to the quintuple 
of the entire surveying and mapping costs. In fact, it would not 
bee too difficult to mention examples where substantial losses in 
the national economy occured or occur due to an inadequate sur- 
veying and mapping operation. The conclusion is that we surveyors, map 
makers and photogrammetrists must realize that the time element is the 
most crucial one, and even more so in the future, and that we have to 

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