Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

users which very often demand portrayal of an excessive amount of 
features, in general of much less permanent character. At this stage 
there appears to be only one solution which would satisfy these con- 
tradictory requirements (Reducira the map content to a bearable mini- 
mum to increase mapping progress - Desire to have portraied on the 
map as much information as possible). This solution would be 1. 
to compile base maps with a justifiable minimum map content, and 
2. to instruct map user's agencies how to complete these maps in such 
a way that they show the particular features in which they are inte- 
rested in (thematic maps). This would speak in favor of setting up 
in various agencies small and sufficiently qualified cartographic 
units in charge of compiling such thematic maps on the basis of the 
existing base maps. 
Here, the -questicn cones up how the recent approach of produ- 
cing orthophotos and compiling orthophoto maps fits into the above 
outlined requirements. Do they allow to essentially increase the 
mapping progress under Juz consideration of the map revision require- 
ments? We feel that the dis-vssion of this item is beyond the scope 
of this paper except that the request be formulated to thouroughly 
analyse to what extent or!sphotos and orthophoto maps can contribute 
to improve the present day's too slow mapping progress. 
In this paper we have tried to elaborate to some extent on the 

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