Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

Results from these ten participants have been received and analyzed. 
This report constitutes a summary and evaluation of the significant contribu- 
tions of the Working Group participant's individual reports. 
A five by twenty block of simulated, near vertical aerial photography was 
provided for each of the participants.* This simulated block is composed of 
fictitious photographs taken from approximately 11,000 meters above terrain 
containing up to 1000 meters of relief. The camera focal length is 152.00 mm 
resulting in an approximate photo scale of 1:72000. Tilt and swing occur in 
each photograph with maximum values of + 5 degrees. Theoretically perfect or 
unperturbed plate coordinates are given to micrometers for an approximately 
rectangular array of 25 images per photograph. Two sets of perturbed plate 
coordinates are provided in which perturbations consist of: (1) random normal 
deviates having a standard deviation of 6 micrometers; and (2) random 1 normal 
deviates (standard deviations =6 micrometers) plus simulated residual systematic 
deviations. Perturbations were also applied to camera exposure n oe 
orientations as well as ground point positions. A more complete description 2 
of the simulated data plus a description of the procedure developed to simulate 
residual systematic perturbation are presented by Co-Chairman Ramey in his 
Each participant was requested to run tests using: : . + 
l. Five strips (strips 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9) of 20 photographs each, having 
20% to 25Z sidelap. 
2. Block arrays and control configurations A, B, and C as illustrated 
in Figure 1. 
3. Plate coordinates for nine points per photograph, arrange as indicated 
in Figures 2 and 3, and perturbed with: 
a) random normal deviates, only 
(Test cases lA, 1B, 1C). 
b) random normal deviates plus residual systematic deviations - 
(Test cases 2A, 2B, 2C). 
By rigorously defining the conditions of the experiment, it was hoped that 
meaningful comparisons could be made among various methods. Participants were 
also encourage to perform supplementary tests of their own choosing. 
*The simulated block was generated hy the United States Army Topographic Command |

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