Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

geological conditions are evidently unsuitable for highway con- e a 
struction. Areas, where geotechnical problems may play a deter- 
mining influence upon the construction cost are also of interest. 
The geological-geotechnical photointerpretation therefore is an 
important aid in this design stage. 
A summation of the delimitations of terrain areas that are comp- 
licated from point of view of highway construction (see fig 1) 
gives an indication of the location of possible terrain corri- 
dors. , 
The result of the analysis of the terrain is generally shown 
in the form of limited terrain corridors (see fig 1) within 
which, a number of alternative centerlines are possible. The 
horizontal alignments of the centerlines are shown in outline 
on a simple map or sketch together with their preliminary longi- 
tudinal terrain profiles. 
Aerial photographs from flying heights between 3000 m and 5000 m o © 
are generally used for the photogrammetric study of the terrain. - 
Photo interpretation studies of these photographs ordinarily give 
a satisfactory survey of the loading capacity and other geologi- 
cal-geotechnical parameters of the terrain from the road construc- 
tion point of view. 
The result of the photo interpretation studies is mainly presen- 
ted in the form of geological sketches of maps based on a photo- 
mosaic. In some countries the photo-interpretation is made by 
geological-geotechnical specialists, but in other countries the 
design engineers have received so much training and experiences 
in aeological-geotechnical photointerpretation, that this work 
is included in the design routine. Both systems have advantages. 
One advantage of training the designer in photointerpretation is 
the fact, that he himself in a very natural and simple way can 
get more qualitative information from the photographs without 
relyinc on other experts. This psychological effect is very im- eo - 
In some countries, no adequate topographical maps exist let alone 
geological ones. In these areas a full airphotointerpretation may 
be very valuable for the choice of the route for a road and for 
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