Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

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This paper reports on a fully production-oriented system which we have 
in the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Toronto. 
Sample Plots Figures 1 to 6 
On the next few pages are various sample plots taken from production- 
oriented projects, 
M.T.C. System Philosophy 
Note Figure 7 
M.T.C. System Configuration 
Note Figures 7 and 8. The hardware elements to our system are 
comprised of: 
INPUT 4 - stereoplotters (Zeiss Planimats) each 
mechanically interfaced to 
4 - digitizers (2 Instronics Gradicons and 
2 Wang 2300) 
OUTPUT plus an automatic drafting machine system - the 
Gerber Scientific Instrument Company 1232 system 
midi computer (Hewlett Packard 2116B with 
16K - 16 bit words) 
magnetic tape read unit (Gerber M12 to read 
T-irack tape 200 or 556 bpi) 
punched paper tape reader 
teletype (ASR 33) 
magnetic tape I/O (HP #7970 to I/O 800 bpi) 

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