Photographs of Our M. T. C. System
Noting each photograph in turn on the following pages:
shows the Zeiss planimat with the Instronics digitizers, also
note the X, Y and Z mechanical interfacing for the planimat.
shows the hardware configuration for the Instronics digitizer.
The digitizers record data directly onto the magnetic tape re-
corders (Digi-Data). These digitizers can be used in the point
mode or in the time mode for recording. (The point mode being
used generally for the man-made topographical features, e.g.
buildings, railroads, etc. . The time mode being used for nature-
made detail, e.g. rivers, contours, vegetation, outlines, etc.)
shows the Zeiss Planimat with the Wang 2300 digitizer
Wang 2300 digitizer
the alpha-numeric keyboard on the Wang 2300 series. The key-
boards are used to enter nomenclature, building and street names,
etc., onto the magnetic tapes.
the X, Y and Z mechanical interfacing, also the Z counter
shows the stereo operator in the plotting mode
shows the internal plotting table of the Zeiss planimat. As the
Stereo operator traverses the model information via the foot pedal
the operation does two things:
(a) it drops codes, subcodes, X, Y and Z information
onto the magnetic tape, and,