Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 4)

S it has been 
or orthophotomap 
títle information 
ig preparation of 
iction to these 
nsidered to be 
> maps were pre- 
-ographic treatment 
formation. The 
se maps indicated 
-h no colors added. 
the base map for 
2 for airport ob- 
; and for marine 
toimage is authentic, 
a line map. 
ts as map tools is 
] map products 
duction techniques. 
Ackermann, F., and Bettin, R., 1969, Ueberprufung einer grossmaszatabigen 
Orhophotokarte: Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen, p. 186-191. 
Baker, R. D., 1971, Current and Anticipated Use of Orthophotos in 
Forest Land Management: Papers from Orthophoto Workshop, Jan. 1971. 
Ball, George, 1971, Orthophotos for Charts: Papers from Orthophoto 
Workshop, Jan. 1971. 
Blachut, T. J., 1971, Stereo-Orthophoto System: Bildmessung und 
Luftbildwesen, p. 25-28. 
1971, Mapping the Photointerpretation System Based on Stereo- 
orthophotos: NRC publication No. 12281. 
Blachut, T. J. and van Wijk, M. Ci, 1970, 3-D Information from Ortho- 
photos: Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 4., pp. 365- 
Blokhuis, G., 1964, Het meten van densiteiten: IGT News 17 no. 7. 
Brent, A. H., 1966, Photometric measurement of dot: Arca Taga Proc. 
p. 35-44. t 
Brucklacher, W., 1970, Zur Frage des optimalen Bildmaszatabes bei der 
Herstellung von Orthophotokarten: Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen 
3, p. 188-193. 
Collins, S. H., 1968, Stereoscopic Orthophoto Maps: The Canadian Sur- 
veyor, 22,.1,:.p. 167-1706. 
1969, The Accuracy of Optically Projected Orthophotos and 
Stereo-Orthophotos: The Canadian Surveyor, 23, 5, p. 450-463. 
1970, The Xdeal Mechanical Parallax for Stereo-orthophotos: 
The Canadian Surveyor, Vol. 24, No. 5. 
Collins, S. H., and Kalensky, Z., 1970, Transfer of resolution in the 
productiom of orthophotos: The Canadian Surveyor, p. 459-471. 
Doyle, F. J., 1971, The rough earth on smooth paper: Colloque Inter- 
national sur les Orthophotocartes, Paris, October. 
Drobyshev, F. V., 1968, Differential rectification of aerial photos 
in the U.S.S.R.: XI'th Congress of the International Society of 
Dubuisson, B., 1968, Integration des orthophotoplans dans la photo- 
grammetrie cartographique: The Canadian Surveyor, p. 135-144. 
. 1971, L'establissement et l'usage des orthophotocartes 
hypsometriques: Colloque International sur les Orthophoto cartes, 
Paris, October, e 

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