Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

Pressure should be exercised on the manufacturing industry to come out with a more versatile camera system, 
preferably based on the use of film. 
The last part of the meeting was devoted to discussing the Resolution of Commission V for the period 
1972-1976. The President, M. Carbonnell, indicated the necessity of extending work into the following 
(1) short-range application based on the use of 
non-metric cameras; 
(2) analytical methods; 
(3) non-conventional images. 
He expressed the hope that in future Congresses more time could be devoted to the discussion possibly by 
reducing the number of paper presentations. 
He closed the meeting by thanking the Chairmen and participants in the Working Groups, the authors of the 
papers, the interpreters, and those assisting during the sessions. 

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