Preparations for photography
Prior to each series of photographs a revision of the Sinar camera took place in a labora-
tory. The parallelism of image plane and lens panel and also the position of the fiducial marks were
checked and, if necessary, adjusted. Following that the camera was sharply focussed with ground
glass and magnifier to a screened plane placed at a distance of 2,8 m ; then it was fixed on its tube
and braced, This was done to prevent a change of the interior orientation during transport of the
camera from the laboratory to the camera station,
At the site the model had to be prepared too, It stood at the IL in a mechanical measuring
instrument in which it had been constructed, Since it was impossible to photograph the model in
this location it had to be transported to a prepared place on the floor, To maintain the spatial posi-
tion of the model the four corners of the model frame were leveled and later on adjusted in the
same position on the floor, The camera position was such that the camera could be fixed to a gal-
lows or s special rack and operated from a scaffold.
When the model was leveled on the floor the control points were screwed into the frame.
Because of the short sighting distances of about 2 to 5 m needles pressed into the plastic material
of the rods served as targets for the theodolite observations,
As mentioned before, the tops of masts had to be fitted with an auxiliary device, It con-
sisted of a rod of known length which was posed and fixed on the point that its tip defined the sys-
tem point, At the other end of the rod a milled cross defined the longitudinal axis and served as a
target, Normal to the axis was a quadratic collar with four targets, If it was possible to measure
at least two targets of the collar and the target in the axis the coordinates of the wanted system
point could be computed,
This picture shows the arrangement of model, rack and camera, Auxiliary device to determine top an foundation points of masts.