Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

Photogrammetric Calibration of Television Systems 
by: Dr. K. W. Wong 
Experimental studies on four high-quality, television 
systems showed that electronic distortions were perfectly de 
stable in both magnitude and pattern between successive 
frames. In one system, excellent geometric stability was d 
maintained during two months of continuous operation in sta 
space. Although the total lines at one sigma level, the ran- COT 
dom components amounted to less than 0.5 TV line. The systematic tot 
distortions over the entire frame can be modelled using a pair YEO 
of 20-term polynomials with a residual RMS-error better than moi 
*0.5 TV-line. Using the goniometer principle of camera cali- cli 
bration, the equivalent focal length of a TV system can be uti 
calibrated to *0.005 mm..

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