Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

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The aim - publishing of History of photogrammetry in all three ISP lan- 
guages - in the former or in the later mentioned way would be without 
sufficient means hardly realizable in reasonable time. 
Therefore the questionaire presents various alternatives to be consi- 
dered and answered. 
1.15 Every country is supposed willing to present in the NATIONAL THEMATIC 
REPORT a detailed description of her own activities and, if necessary, 
to be ready to publish it in the three official languages, In case the 
national reports are sent to a centre already printed, the expenditures 
concerning Volume II will cover the assortment and insertíon of printed 
pages or cards in corresponding folders, plus the distribution expenses. 
The price of one copy of Volume II should hardly exceed 8.- Swiss francs 
plus postal charges. 
1.23 The final price of Volume I - History depends essentailly on the press 
run. In the questions 1,23, the following gross directive price may be 
used for estimating the number of copies to be produced, The national 
e o reports are supposed to be delivered free of charge to the centre, prin- 
' ted in one official language of the I.S.P. /Prices in Swiss francs for 
l copy/. 
VOLUME I, issued as a assembled work in about 2000 copies 
1.231 the alternative 1.1431 4.- Swiss francs each 
1.232 the alternative 1.1432 4. Swiss francs each 
VOLUME I, issued as a homogeneous work, about 400 printed pages, 100 
picture pages, size B 5, 
1.233 the alternative 1.13 or 1.1434 on condition that at 
least, 1500 English, 1500 French and 1500 German copies 
are sold, 75.- Swiss francs each 
VOLUME II, about 300 printed pages, size A 4 /210 x 295 mm/, 2000 cards 
inserted in card-register, 
1.234 the alternative 1.151 or 1.152, 8,- Swiss francs each 
1.235 the alternative 1.153, on condition that the thematic 
national reports are submitted to the centre already 
printed in the three official languages, for one lan- 
guage 8,- Swiss francs each 

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