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LSPRACS TNR PLE TT M e 2. wana phot Ge €
[mage tone controlled by the intensity of the
depends on the operating frequency of the
Sob gn fy Fm avert A + rn AR m ht a - 3* 7.455 i Yon ;
gration, the augles of radiation, the texture of the surface
oma 3 teal prn rent eg - Pa 5 ne
and DaySsical properties of the objects under radiation.
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Furthermore, owing to The small angles of radiation radar
ima ges give the pronounced almost s "imis al relief no
abord A e AM BE che J Cd. d. * 8 CALULVARD V SCHULD’ id. I" C Le 16 E DO
Radar inasges obtained with "Toros", because of th
SER vy poy wd 3 T y x: 3 4 * £3 4 i ^Y
cific properties listed above and the certain generalization
small scale as well, ant a new addi-
as opposed to airphotos. They are exten-
ety used in the USSR in compiling ice Charts and in geo-
sic explorations.
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The "Toros" system enables on
to compile maps of ge-
neral ice distribution based on the results of ice surveys,
to carry on navigational reconnasissances aimed at compiling
detaillarge-scalemaps of ice condition and distribution -
directly for seafaring - as well as to conduct special ex-
in scientific experiments intendèd to
ensure c engineering, res scue, and other works on Be&.
The intensity of the radar signal reflected from the ice
surface depends on the relief and "roughness" of the latter
and on its physical properties and condition as well.
?hese characteristics may vary within a wide limits, however -
there exists generally à sum total of indications for each
of the ice SEEN which relates exactly to the parti-
the surface relief, the partioular confi—
cular features of
guration and size of tbe ice-fields.
Contour details, such as the edges of sea ice~flces
frozen together end covered with snow, narrow frozen cracks
and ors.,and distinctions in the character of microrelief
of the floe surfaces, which cannot be detected neither in
visual air reconnaissance nor in airphotos may be observed
in radar images especially well. With these images one can
obtain the Follomtcs characteristics of the sea ice cap $
its age (using emlsrged gradation), degree -of packing, rela-
ve amount of the floes of different sizes,the degree of
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