Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

based on the analysis of fracture pattern compared with the orientation of the volcanic 
bodies and the azimuth distribution of the dykes. The structural interpretation is also sup- 
ported by the analysis of the drainage pattern. A similar study extended to the central- 
western Veneto region is in course. And hydrogeological research carried out by P. Sac- 
cardi Travaglia in 1970 (21) includes also a photogeologial interpretation of the drainage 
Department of Geology, University of Parma. 
In this Department a photogeological laboratory has been organised, held by M. Sga- 
vetti. The research has been developed with two main purposes: the study of the erosional 
phenomena on the Apennines and the analysis of the shoreline variations. The first subject 
has been developed over a portion of the Val Parma (25), for studying the relation bet- 
ween type and intensity of erosion and the lithological, structural, morphologic and ve- 
getation characteristics of the slopes. The research is included in the program of the Com- 
mission for Soil Defence financed by the C.N.R. 
The analysis of the shoreline variations is made for the study of the littoral belts 
preservation. A first publication of 1968 (4) refers to the Southeastern part of the Po delta. 
The geomorphological study on airphotographs taken on five different periods has been 
supported by the elaboration of hydrometric, granulometric and peat data. A study has 
been carried out on the tida] currents of the Venezia lagoon (5) by photogrammetric mea- 
surements, on four aerial strips taken with intervals of 40-50 minutes, of free flooting bo- 
dies. Other research on the variations of the shorelines have been done in the Po delta 
with statistical elaboration of data through computer. Studies are now in course by iso- 
densitometric comparation of panchromatic and infrared surveys of the Venezia lagoon, 
for the analysis of channels, bottoms and vegetation. M. Sgavetti has also carried out a 
research at the LT.C., Enschede (Nederland) which will be presented at the XII” IS.P. 
Congress (24). 
Geological Department, University of Modena. 
Photogeological studies on the Apennines have been published by P. Fazzini and R. Gel- 
mini in 1966 (13, 14). A research is now in course by R. Gelmini on the Pliocene basin 
of the Orcia valley (southern Tuscany) including fracture analysis. 
Geological Department, University of Rome. 
A. Biasini and A. Russi have published a paper of general content about the use of 
airphotographs, panchromatic, color and infrared (including thermal scanning), for the study 
of the shorelines variation (6). The paper includes also a tentative plan of work for the 
study of the Italian coast. 
Geological Department, University of Ferrara. 
Prof. P. Leonardi has edited in 1971 a book on the lunar and Marte craters (18), 
completely based on the interpretation of the photographs taken by the various space- 
crafts. The book is a highly valuable contribution, either for the scientific treatment of 
the problems and for the abundant photographic documentation. 
Mineralogical and Geological Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Florence. 
The photointerpretation is employed by this Department since several years for pe- 
dological and morphological studies for land classification and land use. Research are now 
in course for the application of color infrared and remote sensing techniques. 
Ispettorato Ripartimentale delle Foreste, Florence. 
Photointerpretative surveys are in course on the Apennines, using panchromatic and 
color infrared films, for the forestry inventory and for the detection of deseases. 
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Laboratorio di Ricerca per la protezione Idrogeologica 
del Bacino Padano - Torino. 
A photointerpretative study has been carried out by M. Govi in 1969 on the damages 
caused by the floodings of November 2, 1968, in the Strona basin (Biella, Northern 
Italy) (16). The map at 1 : 18.000 scale, shows all the landslides, the erosional pheno- 
mena and the damages to roads and habitations. À similar study has been done on the 
Leiro basin, north of Voltri (Genova) after the flooding of September 8-9, 1970, on a 
panchromatic flight of October 1970, for the survey of damages, and a color flight of 
1971, for the study of land use, morphology and vegetation. Other research have been made 
on the use of infrared film (black and white, color and false color) for the study of the 
drainage patterns and of the areas subject to floodings. 
C.N.R. Istituto Internazionale per le Ricerche Geotermiche, Pisa. 
A photogeological study is in course over the area of Campi Flegrei and Vesuvio (sout- 
hern Italy) by Geomap, Firenze. The Institute has carried out in 1971, in collaboration 
with the Deutsche Forschungs und Versuchanstalt für Luft und Raumfahrt (Oberpfaffen- 
hofen) and the Zentralstelle für Geo-photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung (München), a 
medium and far infrared survey over geothermal areas of Tuscany, Lazio and Campania 

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