Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

Herron, R. E. Biomedical photogrammetry. Presented paper ASP 
Texas--La. Region Workshop, San Antonio, June 1970. 
Herron, R. E.: Biomedical applications of close-range photogrammetry. 
3rd Ann. Conv. Legislative Coun. Photogram., Chicago, August 
Herron, R. E.: Stereophotogrammetry in biology and medicine. Phorogr. 
Applications in Sci, Technol. & Med., 5:26; 1970. 
Herron, R. E.: A stereometric approach to problems of the disabled. 
Invited lecture. Slovenian Soc. Phys. Med., Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 
Sept. 1970. 
Herron, R. E. Stereographic anthropometry. Invited lecture, CIBA 
Found. Lecture Series: “Communication in Medicine,” London, 
October 1970. 
Herron, R. E. (Ed.): Quantitative imagery in the biomedical sciences, 
Soc. Photo-Opt. Instrum. Engs., Redondo Beach, Calif., 1971. 
Herron, R. E.: Editorial: Quantitative imagery in the biomedical 
sciences. J. Soc. Photo-Opt. Instrum. Engs., 9:G6; 1971. 
Herron, R. E.: Various aspects of the application of photogrammetry in 
medicine. Invited lecture, Nat. Res. Coun. Can., June 1971. 
Herron, .R. E. Biostereometrics-—A. new vehicle for 
stereophotogrammetry in biology and medicine. Proc. 1971 
ASP-ACSM Fall Conv., San Francisco, Sept. 1971. ; 
Herron, R. E.: Biostereometrics: Measurement of organic form in three 
dimensions. Invited Lecture, Nat. Cancer Inst., NIH, Bethesda, 
Sept. 1971. 
Herron, R. E. Biostereometrics-—A three dimensional coordinate 
solution to problems of measuring body form and deformity. Proc. 
48th Ann. Sess. Am. Cong. Rehab. Med., San Juan, Nov. 1971. 
Herron, R: E.: Three dimensional stereometric analysis of organic form. 
Med. Biol. Illus. (in press). 
Herron, R. E. and Cuzzi, J. R.: Stereometric analysis in biology and 
medicine. Lecture, M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, 
Houston, June 1971. 
Herron, R. E. and Cuzzi, J. R.: Flat images and fat computers. 10th 
UAIDE Ann. Mtg., Los Angeles, October 1971. 
Herron, R. E. and Frobish, M.: Computer analysis and display of 
movement patterns. J. Exptl. Child Psychol., 8:40; 1969. 
Hugg, J. E. and Herron, R. E.: Some considerations of the value of 
stereoscopic imagery to medicine. Proc. Biocommunications "70 
Conf., Houston, August 1970. 
Judge, A. W.: Stereoscopic photography. Chapman and Hall, London, 
Lacmann, O. Die Photogrammetrie in ihrer Anwendung auf 
nich-topographischen Gebieten. S. Hirzel, Leipzig, 1950. 
Lóschner, F., Kóhnle, H., Greuel, H., Smidt, D., Janke, H. and 
Dümmling, K.: Biophotogrammetrie. Veróff. Geodät. Inst. RWTH, 
vol. 17, 1970. 

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