Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

Gürtler, K.: Stereophotogrammetrische Messungen am menschlichen 
Auge. Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen, 13; 1928/29. 
Halsman, J.: Stereoscopic medical photography. Photogram. Eng., 
22:374; 1956. 
Holm, O.: A photogrammetric method for estimation of the pupillary 
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46:254; 1968. 
Holm, O. and Krakau, C. E. T: A photographic method for measuring 
the volume of papillary excavations. Ann. Ophthalmol, 1:327; 
Holm, O. and Krakau, C. E. T: A photogrammetric method for 
estimation of the volume of superficial tumours and similar objects. 
Acta Univ. Lundensis, Sectio Il, No. 31; 1966. 
Holm, O. and Wiebert, O.: A photogrammetric method for estimation of 
the pupillary aqueous flow in the living human eye, ll. Acta. 
Ophthalmol, 46:1230; 1968. 
Krakau, C. E. T.: Papillary protrusion measurements by means of 
stereophotographs of the fundus. Acta Ophthalmol., 34:140; 1956. 
Lacmann, O.: Biomedical contour maps of cornea taken in the Zeiss 
Jena camera. 1950. 
Lips, K: Raumbildmessung am menschlichen Auge. Vermess. Techm. 
Rdsch., 121; 1928. 
Lobeck, E.: Photographische Exophthalmolometric und ihre klinische 
Verwendbarkeit (Stereomikrometrie). Arch. Ophthalmol, 114:383; 
1942. : 
McNeil, G. T.: Macrophotogrammetry with the Donaldson stereo-camera. 
Photogram. Eng., 22:319, 1956. 
Miskin, E. A. The application. of photogrammetric techniques to 
medical problems. Photogram. Rec., 2:92; 1956. 
Ollers, J.: En stercofotogrammetrisk exophthalmometermetod. Nord. 
Med., 40:2107; 1948. 
Rzymkowsky, J.: Stereophotographic and stereophotogrammetric 
reproduction of the cornea and sclera of the living eye. Am. J. 
Optom., 31:8, 1954. 
Schirmer, K. E. and Kratky, V.: Personal Communication, June 1971. 
Thompson, M. M: Manual of Photogrammetry, 3rd Ed. American 
Society of Photogrammetry, Falls Church, Virginia, 1966. 
Urmakher, L. S.: A stereophotogrammetric method of seiecting contact 
lenses. Med. Prom. SSSR, 11; 1957. 
34 Trunk and Limbs 
Adams-Ray, J. and Hjelmstrôm, P.: Mécanisme de l’action du blockage 
du sympatique sur l’oedème traumatique. Presse Med., 59:1206; 
Atkinson, K. B.: Personal Communication, 1971. 

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