Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

Non-cartographic applications of Photogrammetry - Applications 
non-cartographiques de la Photogrammetrie - Nichtkartographische 
Anwendungen der Photogrammetrie 
President: M. Carbonnell, ing.geogr., France; Secretary: Ing. P. Hottier, France 
Tuesday July 25 1972, 14:00 
Chairman: M. Carbonnell 
This was a closed meeting between the Commission Board and the Chairmen of the three Working 
Some changes in the Commission V technical programme were made, and papers selected for presentation. It 
was decided to hold the technical session on hologrammetry and extra-terrestrial photogrammetry prior to the 
business meeting so that these fields could be considered in more detail for the final Resolutions. The 
Commission V business meeting was consequently transferred from August 3rd to August Ist at 10:30. 
Tuesday July 25 1972, 15:45 
The Commission President presented the report of the Activities of Commission V during the Period 
1968-1972. This was followed by the presentation of the Invited Paper *'Stereophotogrammetry in Biology and 
Medicine" by R.E. Herron. There was no discussion in connection with these presentations. 
Wednesday July 26 1972, 14:00 
H.M. Karara, in his report of Working Group V/I **Close-Range Photogrammetric Systems", indicated the 
increasing interest for using analytical methods in close-range photogrammetry, mainly as a result of the 
versatility and the high accuracy of these methods. The wide spectrum of requirements in close-range 
photogrammetry has led to the following instrumental solutions: 
a. modification of a commercially available photogrammetric camera; 
b. in-house construction of cameras; 
c. use of non-metric cameras. 
Particularly the use of non-metric cameras has been very successful in certain applications, under the condition 
that the proper precautions were taken as far as the calibration is concerned. 
Invited Papers were presented by the following: 
H.M. Karara and W. Faig, “Interior Orientation in Close-Range Photogrammetry"' (included in Report of 
W.G. V/I) 
D.C. Brown, ** Calibration of Close-Range Cameras" 
K. Linkwits, "Some Remarks on Present Investigations on Calibration of Close-Range Cameras" 
(included in Report of W.G. V/I). 
Presented papers, selected for discussion during the sessions, were those by O. Kólbl and U. Rauhala. 
O. Kolbl described the differences between the calibration method, described by D. Brown, and the method 
developed at the University of Karlsruhe, both of which are based on at least 3 sets of convergent photographs 
taken with convergent camera axes between 45" and 60°. Using this method, the elaborate determination of 
test fields for short-range photogrammetry will not be necessary in the future. 
Since no time remained, invited and presented papers will be discussed at a later session. 
Friday July 28 1972, 14:00 
After presentation of the Invited Papers of: O. Jacobi, “Methods for Solving Calibration and Computing 
Problems Using Non-Metric Cameras in Analytical Photogrammetry’’; P.E. Borchers, “Distinguishing the 
Deformations of Architectural and Photogtammetric Geometry" and W.S. Ferri, Mechanical and Optical 
Problems in the Design and Construction of Close-Range Photogrammetric Plate Cameras", (included in 

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