Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

Glaser, G. H.: Study of potential applications of holographic techniques 
to mapping. ETL-CR-70-8, U. S. Army Eng. Topographic Labs., Ft. 
Belvoir, Va., Dec. 1970. 
Goldmann, H.: Eine Methode zur Volumebestimmung der 
Korderkammer des lebenden. Menschen Opthalmologica, 102:7; 
Greguss, P.: Ultrasonic holography in ophthalmology. Optics Technol, 
1:40; 1968. 
Greguss, P.: Bioholography. Proc. SPIE Seminar, "Developments in 
Holography," B. J. Thompson and J. B. De Velis (Eds.), 25:55; 
Haines, K. and Hildebrand, B. P.: Contour generation by wavefront 
reconstruction. Physics Letters, 19:10; 1965. 
Hertzberg, H. T. E.: Personal communication, Feb. 1972. 
Holm, O.: A photogrammetric method for estimation of the pupillary 
aqueous flow in the living human eye, I. Acta Ophthalmol, 
46:254; 1968. 
Holm, O. and Krakau, C. E. T.: A photogrammetric method for 
estimation of the volume of superficial tumours and similar objects. 
Acta Universitats Lundensis, Sectio H, No. 31; 1966. 
Holm, O. and Krakau, C. E. T.: A photographic method for measuring 
the volume of papillary excavation. Amm. Ophthalmol, 1:327; 
Holm, O. and Wiebert, O.: A photogrammetric method for estimation of 
the pupillary aqueous flow in the living human eye, 11, Statistical 
evaluation of pupillary flow measurements. Acta Ophthalmol, 
46:1230; 1968. 
Kallard, T.: Holography. State of the Art Review.... 1970. Optosonic 
Press, New York, 1970. 
Kessler, L. W., Korpel, A. and Palermo, P. R.: Acoustic microscope 
operating at 100 MHz. Nature, 232:110; 1971. 
Kurtz, M. K.: Potential uses of holography in photogrammetric mapping. 
Ph.D. Thesis, Purdue Univ., Aug. 1971. 
Lacmann, O.: Die Photogrammetrie in ihrer Anwendung auf 
nicht-topographischen Gebieten. S. Hirzel Verlag, Leipzig, 1950. 
Lawton, K. C. and Van Ligten, R. F.: Depth of imaged volume in high 
magnification holographic microscopy. Proc. SPIE Seminar, 
“Developments in Holography,” B. J. Thompson and J. B. DeVelis 
(Eds.), 25:209; 1971. 
Lovesey, E. J.: R. A. E. Technical Report 66192, cited in “Contouring 
the Human Face,” Anon. RAE Farnborough, SBAC Show, 1970. 
Lundgren, N.: Ultrasonics in medicine. IEEE Spectrum, 6:49; 1969. 
McCrickerd, J. T. and George, N.: Holographic stereopairs from 
sequential component photographs. Appl Physics Letters, 12:10; 
McDonnell, M. M.: The effect of ‘speckle’ on accuracy of measurement 
of holograms. 37th Ann. Meet. ASP, Washington, D.C., March 

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