Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

Thompson, B. J.: Closing remarks at SPIE Seminar, "Developments in 
Holography." Cited in Laser Focus, June: 25; 1971. 
Thurstone, F. L.: Biomedical prospects for ultrasound holography. 
Acoustical Holography, 1:113; 1969. 
Tolansky, S. (Ed.): Microstructures of Surfaces using Interferometry. 
American Elsevier, New York, 1968. 
Tsuruta, T. and Itoh, Y.: Interferometric generation of contour lines in 
opaque objects. Opt. Comm., 1:34; 1969. 
Tsuruta, T., Shiotake, N. and Itoh, Y.: Hologram interferometry using 
two reference beams. Jap. J. Appl. Physiol, 7:1092; 1968. 
Van Ligten, R. F.: Application of holography to microscopy and 
ophthalmology. IEEE Int. Conv. Digest, 232; 1969. 
Van Ligten, R. F. and Osterberg, H.: Holographic microscopy. Nature, 
211:286; 1966. 
Varner, J. R.: Holographic contouring: Alternatives and applications. 
Proc. SPIE Seminar, “Developments in Holography,” B. J. 
Thompson and J. B. De Velis (Eds.), 25:239; 1971. 
Zech, R. G., Siebert, L. D. and Henze, H. C.: A new holographic 
technique for medical and biomedical applications. In: Biomedical 
Sciences Instrumentation, “Imagery in Medicine,” F. Deaver 
Thomas and Ernest E. Sellers (Eds.), 6:66; 1969. 
Zivi, S. M. and Humberstone, G. H.: Chest motion visualized by 
holographic interferometry. Med. Res. Eng., 9:5; 1970. 
A new stereoscopic camera for extreme close-ups. Instrum. News, 6 
(3):6; 1954. 
Bormann, G.: New Wild instruments for short range photogrammetry. 
Presented, Comm. II, 10th Int. Congr. of Photogram., Lisbon, 
Brown, D. C.: Close range camera calibration. Photogram. Eng., 37:855; 
Burkhardt, R.: Short range photogrammetry with minature camera and 
multiplex. Photogram. Eng., 19:723; 1953. 
Cuzzi, J., Herron, R. E. and Bender, M. J.: Volumes and surface areas of 
body parts using a photogrammetric-minicomputer system. 
Technical Papers from ASP-Univ. of Illinois Symp. on Close-Range 
Photogrammetry, Urbana, Jan. 1971. 
Cuzzi, J. R., Herron, R. E., Hugg, J. E. and Rouk, K. R.: Calibration of 
a biostereometric system. Proc. SPIE Seminar, “Quantitative 
Imagery in the Biomedical Sciences," R. E. Herron (Ed.), 26; 1971. 
D8Ohler, M.: Close-range photogrammetry with non-metric cameras 
(Photogrammétrie à courte distance avec des chambers non 
métriques). Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen, Feb. (2); 1971. 
Fagerholm, P. O.: Close-up photogrammetry with simple cameras. 
Photogram. Eng., 19:665; 1953. 

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