Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

Hallert, B.: Non-topographic photogrammetry, 
Photogram, Eng., 19:65] : 
Hallert, B.: Deformation measurements by photogrammetric methods. 
Photogram, Eng, 20:836; 1954. 
Hallert, B.: Determination of the accuracy of terrestria] 
Stereophotogrammetric procedures. 
Photogram, Eng, 21 :84; 1955. 
Halert, B. Determination of the accuracy. of terrestria] 
stereophotogrammetric Procedures. Proc. gth Ant. Congr. of 
Photogram Stockholm, 1957. 
Hallert, B.: Determination of the interior orientation of 
non-topographic photogrammetry, microscopes, X-ray 
and television images. Photogram, Eng., 26:748; 1960. 
Herron, R. E. Weissman, S. and Karara, H. M. A 
stereophotographic anthropometry for mentally 
children. Digest 7th Int. Conf. on Med. & Biol. 
Aug. 1967. 
Hertzberg, H. T. E. and Dupertuis, C. W.: Suggested revisions of human 
body contouring methods. Technical Papers from ASP-Univ. of 
Illinois Symp. on Close-Range Photogrammetry, Urbana, Jan. 1971. 
Janke, H.: Die Entwicklung neuer Geräte für die Bio-Photogrammetrie in 
Göttingen. Veröffentlichung des Geod#ätischen Instituts 
Rheinisch-Westfilischen Technischen Hochschule, 17:53; 1970. 
Karara, H. M.: New trends in close range photogrammetry. Fifty Years 
erbrugg Jubilee Volume ——Geodesy and 
cameras for 
method of 
Eng, Stockholm, 
(1921-1971) Wild He 
Photogrammetry, 1971. 
Karara, H. M.: New trends in close-range photogrammetry. Technical 
Papers from ASP-Univ. of Illinois Symp. on Close-Range 
Photogrammetry, Urbana, Jan. 1971. 
Karara, H. M.: New trends in close-range photogrammetry. 37th Ann. 
Meet. ASP, Washington, D.C., March 1971. 
Karara, H. M: Metric potentials of simple cameras in close range 
photogrammetry. Proc. SPIE Seminar, “Quantitative Imagery in the 
Biomedical Sciences," R. E. Herron (Ed), 26; 1971. 
Karara, H. M. Photogrammetric potentials of simple cameras in 
close-range engineering applications. ASP-ACSM Fall Conv., San 
Francisco, Sept. 1971. 
Konecny, G.: Structural engineering ap 
camera. Photogram, Eng, 31:96: 196 
Konecny, G.: Close ran 
Course, Univ. of Ill 
Liebenau, E.: Die 
plication of the stereometric 
ge photogrammetry. 8 
., Urbana, June 1968. 
photogrammetrische Beurteilun 
landw. Inst. Univ. Leipzig, 6:1; 1905. 
Liebenau, E.: Die Photogrammetrie 
Gesellsch., 20:1 29; 1905. 
Malhotra, R. C.: Calibration of fi 
goniometer. ASP-ACSM Fall 
th Ann. Photogram. Short 
8 des Tierkörpers. Mitt. 
in der Tierzucht. Mitt. Dtsch. landw. 
nite-focused cameras with the Wild. T4 
Conv., San Francisco, Sept. 1971. 

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