Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

Meier, H.-K.: Stereometric camera, terrestrial camera and terragraph, a 
new combination of instruments for the normal case of terrestrial 
photogrammetry. Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen, 28:147; 1960. 
Mikhail, E. M.:: Accuracy of photogrammetric measurements of curved 
surfaces. Photogram. Eng., 29 (2):33; 1963. 
Newton, L: The application of photogrammetric methods to the 
evaluation of some hydrographic problems. Master's Thesis, Univ. 
of London, 1964. 
Pulfrich, C.: Über ein neues Verfahren der Kürpervermessung. Arch. 
Optik, 1:42; 1907. 
Roger, R.: Analysis of the problem of using a simple camera to obtain 
practical photogrammetric measurements. Thesis, Mich. Tech. Univ., 
Schernhorst, J. N.: Close-range instrumentation. Photogram. Eng, 33 
(4):377; 1967. 
Stipa, V.: Eine im Berliner Markscheid- Institut gebaute 
Doppelmesskammer. In, Festschrift — Paul Hilbig 65 Jahre; Berlin: 
Inst. f. Markscheidewes., Bergschadenkde. u. Angew. Geophys. 
Techn. Univ. of Berlin, 7; 1966. 
Voss, G.: Die Stereokamer SMK 5.5/0808. Jenaer Rdsch., 13:93; 1968. 
Voss, G.: A new camera system for special jobs in terrestrial 
photogrammetry. J. Jap. Soc. Photogram., 7 (1):21; 1968. 
Voss, G.: "An instrument system for close-range photogrammetry. 
Technical Papers from ASP-Univ. of Ill. Symp. on Close-Range 
Photograrametry, Urbana, Jan. 1971. 
NOTE: Errors or omissions brought to the author's attention will be 
corrected in future editions of the bibliography. In order to keep the 
material current, the continued cooperation of authors or other 
interested individuals in supplying copies of future reprints or reports 
will be much appreciated. 

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