Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 5)

Report on the Activities of Working Group V/3, Analytical Methods in Special 
Applications of Photogrammetry, by K. Linkwitz .. tee 
Design of a General Data Reduction System for Analytical Photogrammetry, by 
AA Fast... ao aT 
Eine analytische Methode mit Bündelausgleichung und ihr Einsatz in Sonderanwen- 
dungen der Photogrammetrie, by K. G. Läfstrôm and H. Salmenperà .. 
Contribution à l'étude expérimentale de la précision de la photogrammétrie 
analytique à courte distance (7-12 m) dans le cas du couple, by Ph. Hottier .. 
On Some Aspects of Taking Close-Range Photographs for Photogrammetric 
Evaluation; Practical Experiences in Photographing the Models of the Cable- 
Net Roofs for the Olympiad at Munich, by W.-U. B&ttinger . . T 
Analytical Methods in Special Applications of Photogrammetry; Practical Expe- 
riences from Model Measurements for the Roofs of the Olympic Sport 
Facilities, by H. D. Preuss .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 

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