Full text: Abstracts (Part 6)

Rectification, image enhancement, and mosaicking are accomplished digitally for low-resolution meteorologi- 
cal and planetary-exploration satellites. When original film is recovered, processing is by conventional 
techniques. However, a specialized optical-mechanical rectifier was developed for the high-resolution 
panoramic camera used on Apollo. For use with the data from the Earth Resources Technology Satellite, a 
ground data-handling system employing hybrid digital-analog techniques is used for distortion removal, 
rectification, registration, and cartographic projection. A thematic-mapping system for automatic extraction 
of information having unique spectral signatures is under development. An analytical triangulation program 
developed for use with the Apollo metric camera records and combines tracking data, stellar photography, laser 
altimetry, orbit theory, and photogrammetric conditions to develop a unified control point reference system. 
14. Ferri, W.S. 
The Orthophotosimplex, an orthophotoprinter working in connection with the Galileo-Santoni Stereosimplex 
Mod. IIc, has been manufactured at Officine Galileo, Florence, and the hardest tests soon started. 
The right or left camera of the stereoplotter can be used indifferently as the projection camera. The 
photography driven by an electric motor at uniform speed in the positive Y direction (selected among 2.5; 3.3; 
4.4 mm/sec) is scanned by a slot 2.7; 4; 6.6 mm in length and 1; 1.35; 1.75 mm in width. The variation in 
magnification following the Z/f ratio is obtained by an optical zoom system connected to the Z carriage of the 
stereoplotter. The instrument works in a normally lighted laboratory. By the dropped line system, an auxiliary 
optical device allows the photographic recording of height variations at the same moment of the execution of 
the orthophotoplan. 
The several tests carried out on the Orthophotosimplex have given excellent results both from the photographic 
point of view and as regards the plani-altimetrical accuracy of the plotting. 
Some tests carried out by grid plates with different focal lengths and different projection distances are reported. 
So the obtained results are examined. 
15. Forrest, R.B. 
United States 
Present stereoplotting instruments are based on the principle of previous reconstruction; orientation of an 
accurage object space stereomodel, followed by simultaneous image-data selection and positioning. The result 
is a distinct set of characteristics, some of which are undesirable for certain applications. This paper describes 
a stereoplotting concept based on independent reconstruction, for which image-data selection does not depend 
on the accurate reconstruction of the object space model. One attribute of the concept is the separation of image 
selection from image positioning. The characteristics of equipment based on the concept will differ from those 
of present plotting devices and may prove more attractive for some applications. One implementation of 
independent reconstruction, the image-space plotter, is described briefly. 
16. Forrest, R.B. 
United States 
The LR-2 is a portable line-drawing rectifier that plots rectified line drawings of selected image details from 
tilted aerial photographs. Packaged in three carrying cases, the unit has a total weight of 55 kilograms. It is 
a digitized version of the LR-1, improved with respect to operator convenience, accuracy, and portability. The 
operator traces features of interest on a tilted-frame photograph, a panoramic photograph, or an infrared or 
side-looking-radar record, and a stylus simultaneously draws the rectified features at the desired scale. Tilts of 

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