Presented Papers
Authors: Mrs. Aino Savolainen (Finland)
Mr. R. Ruotsalainen (Finland)
Title: Experiences of the ISP Standard
Tests PP 11/43
In delivering her Paper, Mrs. Savolainen pointed
out that one problem is that of the accuracy of
grid plates. Here Dr. Meier informed the audience
that grid plates with maximum errors of less
than one micrometer are now available.
Author: Mr. H.-D. Janssen (F.R.G.)
Title: Bemerkungen zum Standardtest fiir
Komparatoren PP 11/22
Upon Mr. Janssen’s presentation, Mr. Grabmeier
pointed out that only the affinity error had been
considered. Mr. Janssen answered that a more
sophisticated mathematical model would be
Author: Dr. K. Szangolies (G.D.R.)
Title: On the Definition of the Accuracy
of Stereoplotters PP // /58
Upon Dr. Szangolies' presentation Dr. Meier
pointed out, that for the user it is more important
to test his own instrument for a prospective
problem, than make tests between several instru-
Dr. Macarovic (Netherlands) mentioned, that
from the very beginning it was clear, for the WG
Il/2, that it is necessary for the user to test his
instrument for several input materials.
The chairman closed the session after recom-
mending the use of I.S.P. Standard Tests and
after announcing that Working Group 11/2 had
finished its activity.
President: Dr. F. Ackermann (F.R.G.)
Secretary: Dr. H. Bauer (F.R.G.)
Tuesday, July 13, 1976, from 14.00 to 15.30
Session 1 of Commission Ill
Topic: Aerial Triangulation (1): State of De-
velopment, Auxiliary Data, Point
Chairmen: Dr. F. Ackermann (F.R.G.
Dr. H. Bauer (F.R.G.)
Invited Paper
Author: Dr. F. Ackermann (F.R.G.)
Title: On the Development in the Field of
ISP Commission Ill during 1972—
1976 CR 111/01
Dr. Ackermann reviewed past and current devel-
opments, reaching the conclusion that, after a
long and intensive period of development, the
final goals sought in this area had nearly been
achieved and that future efforts should be con-
centrated on: use of minicomputers for aerial
triangulation; refinement of self-calibration pro-
cedures; comparison of mono- and stereocom-
parators; determination and accuracy of per-
spective centers in analogue instruments; inves-
tigation of point transfer problems; and detection
and elimination of gross data errors.
Then Dr. Ackermann proceeded to give a brief
summary of the following Presented Papers, for
the full presentation of which there would not
have been enough time.
Author: Dr. I. Antipov (U.S.S.R.)
Title: Automated System of Processing
Photogrammetric = Measurements
PP 111/108
This article dealt with strip and block triangula-
Author: Mr. M. Allam (Canada)
Title: Photogrammetric Deformation of
Lake Surfaces Caused by Air Tem-
perature Differential over Water
Bodies PP 111/104
Here the author discussed the effects of special
errors in APR measurements of lake shore points,
due to the refraction effect on the rays at the
interface between cold and warm air layers which
develop during the exposure of aerial photo-
Authors: Dr. H. Ebner (F.R.G.)
Mr. R. Mayer (F.R.G.)
Title: Numerical Accuracy of Block Adjust-
ments PP 111/120
In this work it is shown that a word length of 60
bits is sufficient in computers for the computa-
tional purposes of block adjustment.
Author: Dr. W. Faig (Canada)
Title: Independent Model Triangulation
with Auxiliary Vertical Control PP