Full text: Proceedings (Part 1)

Invited Papers 
Author: Mr. K. B. Atkinson (U.K.) 
Title: A Review of Close-Range Engi- 
neering Photogrammetry /P V/13 
Author: Dr. I. Newton (U.K.) 
Title: Close-Range Photogrammetry as 
an Aid to Measurement of Marine 
Structures /P V/16 
Authors: Dr. C. Sena (Italy) 
Dr. B. Astori (Italy) 
Dr. R. Chiabrando (Italy) 
Title: Experiments on the Application of a 
Method for Photogrammetric Survey 
of Industry Models /P V/20 
Author: Dr. T. Oshima (Japan) 
Title: Recent Developments of Industrial 
Photogrammetry in Japan /P V/17 
Presented Papers 
Authors: Mr. A. Stenberg (Norway) 
Mr. O. Ofsti (Norway) 
Title: Photogrammetric Determination of 
Distribution and Thickness of Cavi- 
tation on Ship Propellers PP V/44 
Author: Dr. J. Tóppler (G.D.R.) 
Title: Some reflections on Problems of 
Industrial Photogrammetry PP V/49 
There was no time for questions. 
The meeting was adjourned. 
Friday, July 23, 1976, from 10.45 to 12.15 
Session 12 of Commission V 
Topic: Biostereometrics 
Chairman: Dr. R. E. Herron (U.S.A.) 
Invited Paper 
Author: Dr. R. E. Herron (U.S.A.) 
Title: Biostereometrics '74 — A Report 
IP V/15 
Dr. Herron discussed the activities since 1974 
as well as the status of this field of application 
of photogrammetry. 
Panel Discussion 
Topic: Biostereometrics 
Moderator: Dr. R. E. Herron (U.S.A.) 
Panelists: | Dr. F. G. Lippert (U.S.A.) 
Dr. K. Torlegárd (Sweden) 
A panel discussion on the latest developments 
in biostereometrics followed. Dr. Lippert spoke 
on experimental studies of patellar motion using 
X-ray photogrammetry 
Dr. Torlegárd, again, considered ways of intro- 
ducing photogrammetry into the field of medicine. 
He posed the following questions: 
1. What is the best way to start — to prepare 
courses, or to attack problems and to try and 
solve them? 
2. What is better — to have complicated universal 
and expensive equipment, or to have simple equip- 
ment for solving single problems? 
3. Who should do the photogrammetry in medi- 
cine — photogrammetrists or the medical staff? 
The answers to these questions were postponed 
until after the Presented Papers. 
Presented Papers 
Author: Mr. J. Sóderlund (Sweden) 
Title: Children's Spectacles PP V/46 
Authors: Mr. J. Larsson (Sweden) 
Dr. B. Almby (Sweden) 
Dr. T. Lónnerholm (Sweden) 
Title: An Investigation of the Human Hip 
Joint Using  Róntgenphotogram- 
metry PP V/31 
The Chairman then returned to Dr. Torlegárd and 
asked him to repeat the questions given above. 
Dr. Lippert answered to the repeated questions: 
1.With regard to the introduction of Photo- 
grammetry, at our university we have found it 
favourable to arrange series of sessions, in which 
we have invited representatives of the medical 
departements concerned, and to present there 
what we can offer in terms of our capabilities. 
New questions raised were discussed there and 
then studied. The results have also been pub- 
lished in the University News Letter in order to 
keep the people abrest with our work. 
2.As to the kind of equipment to be used it 
naturally depends on the problem to be solved 
and one should start applying the most simple 
available ones which gives the accuracy needed. 
3. To judge from our experience, it is now pos- 
sible to have technicians make the photographs 
and to have photogrammetrists do the data 
processes required. 
Dr. Oshima said that, in his opinion, there is not 
enough work in the hospitals for photogram- 
metrists in order to have them permanently 
employed; it is often better to hire them. He 
added that in Japan they are organizing a medico- 
technical society to guarantee cooperation 
between doctors and engineers. 
Dr. H. Meixner (Austria) asked how expensive 
the equipment used in Uppsala was. In answer, 
Dr. Lónnerholm said it was worth about Fmk 
The Chairman closed the meeting by observing 
that it was very difficult to give exact answers 
to Dr. Torlegárd's questions, because so much 
depends on the local circumstances. It is clear, 
however, that a high level of education of photo- 
grammetrists should be guaranteed in medical 
centres also in the future. As to equipment, 
much more should first be known about the 
problems involved. 
Friday, July 23, 1976, from 14.00 to 15.30 
Session 13 of Commission V 
Topic: Future of ISP Commission V 
Chairman: Dr. H. M. Karara (U.S.A.) 
The session opened with a general discussion 
concerning the resolutions of Commission V. 
Panel Discussion 
Topic: Future of ISP Commission V 
Moderator: Dr. H. M. Karara (U.S.A.) 

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