Full text: Proceedings (Part 1)

Working Group Report 
Author: Dr. A. Brandenberger (Canada) 
Title: A World-Wide Analysis on Photo- 
grammetric Education and Photo- 
grammetric Research Policy and 
Organization WGR 1 VI/02 
Invited Papers 
Author: Dr. J. Badekas (Greece) 
Title: Modern Methods of Education in 
Photogrammetry /P VI/06 
Dr. Badekas suggested that modern audiovisual 
equipment be used and that good handbooks 
be translated to make them accessible on a 
world-wide basis. He stated that it is possible 
for students to acquire a good knowledge of 
photogrammetry in training laboratories despite 
certain deficiencies in the equipment available. 
What is most important, however, is the proper 
programming of courses. 
Dr. Wassiljev and Dr. Hothmer participated in 
the discussion. Dr. Hothmer put forward the 
terms "active photogrammetrist" and "passive 
photogrammetrist" the later being a person who 
can make use of photogrammetry but is not able 
to use it. Dr. F. Heimes (Netherlands) then 
commented the question raised in Dr. Badekas' 
paper: "What to teach, how much to teach?" 
Dr. H. Rib (USA) drew the attention to the short 
courses and workshops which might also belong 
to the future subjects of WG VI/1. Dr. Hothmer 
then asked whether there existed any textbook not 
too large-scale for the passive photogrammetrists. 
He got answeres from Mr. K. Atkinson (United 
Kingdom), Mr. A. Adamek (Australia) and Mr. J. 
E. Colcord (USA) suggesting the books of Kilford, 
Wolf and Moffit as suitable for teaching passive 
photogrammetrists. Dr. A. J. McNair then in- 
formed about the 4th edition of Manual of Photo- 
grammetry as well as about textbooks of Hallert, 
Moffit, Wolf and Ghosh, the last three of which 
are being published in new editions. Finally 
Dr. Hothmer pointed out that it is not reasonable 
to teach the student too many details of indi- 
vidual instruments but more important to teach 
them how to study in order to enable them to 
keep themselves up-to-date later on. 
Author: Dr. O. Jerabek (Czechoslovakia) 
Title: Education of Photointerpretation 
and Remote Sensing /P VI//12 
Author: Dr. S. Ghosh (U.S.A.) 
Title: Photograrnmetric Research Organi- 
zation, Coordination and Policies 
IP VI/07 
Dr. Sitek then announced that there would be an 
additional meeting of Commission VI on Monday 
19.7. at 1—2 p.m. The terminology and informa- 
tion exchange would be discussed and everyone 
interested would be welcome. 
The chairman closed the session by thanking the 
attendants and the interpreters. 
Tuesday, July 20, 1976, from 10.45 to 12.15 
Session 5 of Commission VI 
Topic: Photointerpretational Education and 
Problems of Photogrammetric Edu- 
cation and Production in the Devel- 
oping Countries 
Chairman: Dr. A. J. Brandenberger (Canada) 
Invited Papers 
Author: . Mr.J. Szorenyi (Australia) 
Title: Photointerpretation and Remote 
Sensing Research Policy and Orga- 
nization /P VI/13 
Dr. S. Paul (France) gave a speech of some mi- 
nutes before the opening of the discussion (PP 
VI/05). He raised the question how the commis- 
sion could arrange a permanent training and 
retraining of engineers and technicians in photo- 
grammetry and remote sensing. He told about 
the course in interpretation and remote sensing 
of about 600 h arranged in Paris 1975—1976. 
In the following discussion Dr. C. Olson (USA) 
explained the remote sensing training program 
in EROS Data Center and in several universities 
in USA. Dr. J. Hothmer (FRG) asked about the 
experience in photointerpretation for civil engi- 
neers. Dr. A. McNair (USA) answered explaining 
the program of Cornell University. Mr. G. Salman 
Gonzales (Mexico) made a comment on Mexican 
experience in training at the National Mapping 
Agency CETENAL. Mr. J. Clement (France) said 
that in teaching photointerpretation and remote 
sensing, photointerpretation of images and more 
advanced methods of analysis should be sepa- 
rated to different levels of courses. 
Mr. F. Hilwig (Netherlands) informed about the 
remote sensing course in ITC February/March 
Author: Mr. S. Hármálá (Finland) 
Title: The Developing Countries As an 
Objective of ISP Activity /P VI/09 
Mr. Hármálá delivered this Invited Paper prepared 
by himself and by the late Dr. R. S. Halonen 
Presented Papers 
Author: Mr. R. Coker (Nigeria) 
Title: Photogrammetric Education and Re- 
search in Developing Countries 
WGP VI/03 
Presented by Mr. C. T. Horsfall 
Author: Dr. G. Roy (India) 
Title: Analysis of Photogrammetric Edu- 
cation in Developing Countries /P 
Presented by Colonel Datta 
Author: Dr. L. Wassiljev (U.S.S.R.) 
Title: Photogrammetrische Ausbildung der 
Fachleute für die Entwicklungslän- 
der in der Sovietunion PP V//11 
Following the papers by Mr. Härmälä, Mr. Coker, 
Dr. Roy and Dr. Wassiljev, there was considerable 
discussion about ways in which developed coun- 
tries and 1.S.P. might assist developing countries 
in upgrading their photogrammetric education 
and production. A need for help from the more 

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