upon. Therefore, interpreters should come into
closer contact with specialists in water, soils,
plants, diseases etc. to appreciate better what
indicators may be used. Dr. Murtha added that
keys and catalogues should be used to decide
whether or not to treat a situation as a crisis.
Dr. Girard agreed that close liaison between
remote sensing specialists and specialists in
various disciplines was important to better
understand symptoms and manifestations.
Mr. T. Nguyen (France) remarked to Dr. Sayn-
Wittgenstein that Commission VII should broaden
its scope into such areas as medicine and
mineral exploration who suggested submitting
this idea as a resolution to Commission VII.
Tuesday, July 20, 1976, from 9.00 to 10.30
Session 7 of Commission VII
Topic: Urban Surveys
Chairman: Dr. L. Sayn-Wittgenstein (Canada)
Invited Paper
Authors: Dr. C. de Bruijn (Netherlands)
Mr. W. de Haas (Netherlands)
Mr. P. Hofstee (Netherlands)
Mr. V. Pollé (Netherlands)
Title: Urban Surveys with Aerial Photo-
graphy: a Time for Practice /P VII/04
Presented Papers
Authors: Dr. R. Welch (U.S.A.)
Mr. C. Lo (U.S.A.)
Mr. C. Pannel (U.S.A.)
Title: Land Use in Northeast China 1973,
a View from Landsat-1 PP VII/40
Author: : Dr. T. Blachut (Canada)
Title: Use of Orthophotos in Urban Areas
Generally orthophoto techniques are least suit-
able for urban areas because of subject and
because some difficulties occur in the ortho-
projection of tall buildings. Nevertheless, the
approach is still useful and can provide a good
basis for assessing change and recording dy-
namic effects. The conventional line maps are
still best where high precision is important. The
stereo orthophoto procedure was described and
The following comments were made in the course
of the general discussion:
Dr. Blachut asked Dr. Bruijn if ITC offers a course
in urban surveys. He replied yes — two courses,
a 9 month and a 15 month photointerpretation
course were offered to people from developing
Mr. J. Visser (Netherlands) commented that the
sophisticated equipment available for differential
rectification should not detract from the value of
conventional means of rectification.
Dr. Blachut commented that orthophotos, espe-
cially stereoorthophotos, have certain advantages
in planning and interpretation due to the higher
planimetric accuracy in comparison with air-
Mr. T. Nguyen (France) commented to Dr. Blachut
that he agrees with the accuracy statements for
the orthophoto maps especially for highway
surveys. Mr. Nguyen then asked Dr. de Bruijn
if orthophotos have a place in environmental
planning and impact assessment. Dr. de Bruijn
replied that not a great deal has been done.
Mr. S. Móller (Sweden). remarked that geometric
and "semantic" information (classifications)
must be combined. Manufacturers are not con-
vinced of the advantages and have done little
about it.
Dr. Blachut commented that there is usually
about a 10 year lag between completed research
and implementation but that we should press
ahead anyway.
Mr. P. Datta (India) asked Dr. Blachut what scale
is best for city surveys. He replied 1:1200 to
1:5000 but scale should also be considered in
relation to cost.
Dr. S. Ihemadu (Nigeria) asked Dr. Blachut if
orthophoto maps could be used to locate property
boundaries. He replied that orthophoto products
are capable of accuracies in the order of 20—30
microns compared with 10 microns for the best
line maps. Thus the orthophoto maps would be
sufficiently accurate for many applications.
Mr. E. Amadesi (Italy) asked what was the best
scale of orthophotomaps for urban surveys.
Dr. Blachut replied that for urban work scales
of 1:1000 to 1:5000 probably were the best.
Thursday, July 22, 1976, from 15.00 to 17.00
Session 8 of Commission VII
Topic: Business Meeting
Chairman: Dr. L. Sayn-Wittgenstein (Canada)
1. Resolutions
Mr. R. Heller (U.S.A.), Chairman of the Resolutions
Committee, received the resolutions both per-
taining to Commission VII and I.S.P. in general.
Some were reorganized, condensed or combined
with others. The resulting resolutions were read
to this session. The detailed.original resolutions
have been given to the incoming Commission VII
President, Dr. G. Hildebrandt (F.R.G.), for con-
sideration in the next four years.
2. Role of Remote Sensing
A resolution to change the name of 1.S.P. to
recognize remote sensing was submitted to
I.S.P. A committee chaired by Dr. F. Doyle (U.S.A.)
is to propose a suitable name in the next year
for consideration by the I.S.P. Council. The com-
mittee was also to study the structure of the
commissions to adequately cover remote sensing.
The above is a continuation of work already done
by Dr. E. Welander (Sweden).
3. Remarks of Incoming Commission VII President
Dr. Hildebrandt expressed appreciation for work
done by Dr. L. Sayn-Wittgenstein in the past four
years. No specific program has been worked out
for the next four years yet. Dr. Hildebrandt indi-
cated that the presently active Working Groups
will be maintained; some others will be reac-
tivated. A request was made for ideas for three
or four themes for the next Commission VII
Symposium. The intention would be to concen-
trate efforts in a few areas. It was hoped that the