Full text: Proceedings (Part 1)

Held in connection with the Opening Ceremony on Monday, July 12, 1976, at 11.20 at Finlandia Hall, 
1. Address by the President of 
the 1.S.P. — Dr. S. G. Gamble 
Ordre du jour 
. Allocution du President de la 
S.I.P., le Dr. S. G. Gamble 
Ansprache des Prásidenten 
der I.G.P. — Dr. S. G. Gamble 
2. Election of Honorary Members — 2. Election des Membres d'Hon- 2. Wahl der Ehrenmitglieder 
3. Presentation of Brock Gold — 3.Remise de la Médaille d'or 3. Überreichung der Brock-Gold- 
Medal and von Gruber A- Brock et du Prix Otto von medaille und der Otto von 
wards Gruber Gruber-Auszeichnung 
: 4. Présentation du "Keynote 4. Vorstellung des “Keynote 
4. Introduction of Keynote Speak- Speaker". par le Directeur du Speaker" — Kongressdirektor, 
er — Congress Director, Dr. 
h.c. K. G. Lófstróm 
Congrés, le Dr. h.c. K. G. Lóf- 
Dr. h. c. K. G. Lófstróm 
9. Keynote Address — Mr. U. V. 35. "Keynote Address" par M. U. 5. Keynote Address — U. V. He- 
Helava V. Helava lava 
6. Acknowledgement of Address 6. Remerciements par le Précé- 6. Dankesworte — Ehemaliger 
— Immediate Past President 
of the I.S.P., Dr. L. Solaini 
7. Closing of the Plenary Ses- 
sion — President of the I.S.P., 
Dr. S. G. Gamble 
dant Président de la S.I.P., le 
Dr. L. Solaini 
. Clôture de la première session 
plénière par le Président de 
la S.I.P., le Dr. S. G. Gamble 
Präsident der I.G.P., Dr. L. So- 
. Abschluss der Vollversamm- 
lung — Präsident der 1.G.P., 
Dr. S. G. Gamble 
Item 1. Address by the President of the 1.S.P. 
The President of the I.S.P., Dr. S. G. Gamble, 
opened the inaugural Plenary Session and pro- 
ceeded to give his address. 
Dr. S. G. Gamble: 
Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen — it is a 
great pleasure to welcome all participants and 
accompanying persons to the Xllith International 
Congress and to this, our first Plenary Session. 
| am sure that we all look forward to two very 
pleasant and interesting weeks here in Helsinki 
and its environs. We also look forward to the fine 
exhibition of modern scientific equipment that 
has come to form such an important part of our 
photogrammetric Congresses. A major part of 
the financing of our Congresses is achieved 
through the rental of space to exhibitors and we 
shall be discussing such matters during our Ge- 
neral Assembly sessions. 
Dr. Lófstróm and his efficient Congress Commit- 
tee have conscientiously prepared everything for 
our convenience and pleasure and, on behalf of 
all of us, we thank them for the careful planning 
and many hours of labour they have already ex- 
pended in getting ready to receive us. | am par- 
ticularly pleased that several of our Honorary 
Members are with us today, as well as President 
Solaini.Unfortunately, Dr. Ing. h.c. H. Hárry and 
Prof. Dr.-Ing. h.c. W. Schermerhorn could not at- 
tend and | should like to send them, with your 
approval, a telegram conveying our good wishes. 
Prof. Dr. K. Schwidefsky also not present, was 
able to attend a ceremony in Hannover a few 
days ago and bring you his greetings. 
During the four year period between our Con- 
gresses our Society has suffered a number of 
losses, including Honorary Members, a Member 
of Council and a Commission President, all of 
whom were very well known figures in photo- 
grammetric circles. There are undoubtedly other 
important photogrammetrists who have passed 
away, but | feel that | have to confine names to 
- those who have occupied prominent positions in 
the I.S.P. The Honorary Members who died are 
General Hurault of Paris, France, and Professor 
E. H. Thompson of London, England. The Com- 
mission President was Professor Sztompke of 
Warsaw, Poland, and the Member of Council, 
Congress Director Professor R. S. Halonen. | 
would ask you to stand and observe a moment 
of silence in their memory as well as others who 
were supporters of photogrammetry. 
Now, let me turn to the activities of the various 
segments of our Society. First, the Archives for 
the XIIth International Congress, sometimes cal- 
led the Ottawa Congress. These were published 
and distributed in the fall 1975. They appear in 
six volumes and are available from the Canadian 
Institute of Surveying for $50.00 (Canadian). | am 
sure that those concerned with education or re- 
search consider our Photogrammetric Archives 
as an essential tool. | suggest, if you have not 
already done so, that you make your needs known

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