Full text: Proceedings (Part 1)

were distributed at the beginning of the meeting 
and are available from the A.S.P. 
Other sessions of Commission V were the meet- 
ing sponsored by the British Photogrammetric 
Society held in Birmingham, April 18 to 20, 1975, 
and attended by 114 persons, and the A.S.P.’s 
Symposium on Close Range Photogrammetric 
Systems held July 28 to August 1, 1975, at Cham- 
paign, Illinois. Sixty-four persons attended this 
session and, again, pre-printed proceedings were 
distributed to registrants and can be obtained 
from the A.S.P. 
Commission VI Economic, Professional and Edu- 
cational Aspects of Photogram- 
President, Dr. Zbigniew Sitek 
The Commission Symposium was held at the 
University of Mining and Metallurgy, Krakow, Po- 
land, the 15th to 17th of May, 1975. Seventy pho- 
togrammetrists participated from 13 Member 
Bodies and 20 papers and 5 reports were presen- 
ted. The sessions for the three day meeting were 
divided into education, research, with special 
emphasis given to photogrammetric education 
in Africa, economical and historical problems, 
bibliography and terminology and concluded with 
discussion on the utilization of photogrammetric 
periodicals and, in particular, the promotion of 
national photogrammetric journals. At the termi- 
nation of the Symposium, a number of the par- 
ticipants including Chairmen of Working Groups, 
remained to prepare the program for the Helsinki 
Commission VII Interpretation of Data 
President, Dr. L. Sayn-Wittgenstein 
The Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo- 
interpretation was held in Banff, Alberta, Canada, 
October 7 to 11, 1975. Approximately 200 were 
in attendance. The proceedings of this Sympo- 
sium were mailed in July 1975 to those who regis- 
tered at the Symposium. These were published 
by the Canadian Institute of Surveying from which 
additional copies are still available. 
Relations with International Organizations 
The Presidents of our sister societies were in- 
vited to participate in this Congress and | am 
pleased to see Dr. Ternryd here, President of the 
F.l.G. Unfortunately our good friend, Professor 
Robinson, President of the I.C.A., was unable to 
be with us. | am not at this time aware of any of 
the other representatives of international organi- 
zations present, but | hope to find out about it 
shortly. Concerning our relations with F.l.G., we 
shall continue to press to see if we cannot fit 
our congress sessions in more smoothly so that 
there is a proper sequence of meetings that con- 
cern a great number of photogrammetrists and 
surveyors. The President of the International 
Geodetic Association, Dr. T. J. Kukkamáki, is 
also present. 
In Enschede this past June, members of Council 
met with the Secretary General of the l.C.A., 
Professor Ormerling, and we believe that there are 
possibilities of joint studies that we shall ask 
the incoming Commission Presidents to explore. 
We hope we shall have some message to send 
to the President of I.C.A. for the Moscow meeting. 
Our Secretary General has had a number of ses- 
sions with UNESCO and as soon as we identify 
our work program for 1976—1980, we should 
examine it carefully to determine those projects 
that might be looked upon favourably by that 
a word about some of the more important mat- 
ters that | would ask you to consider prior to 
our General Assembly meetings. We have at- 
tempted to provide you with some background 
information on some of the points and, if by 
chance you have not received the papers, we 
shall attempt to have extra copies available at 
the time of the General Assembly. Not neces- 
Sent in the order of importance, they are as fol- 
The position of remote sensing within the 
The financing of Council for the period 1976 — 
Improving communications within the l.S.P. 
Providing a balance between scientific de- 
velopments and practical applications of 
proven photogrammetric procedures 
Recognizing the position of manufacturers 
of photogrammetric instruments and mate- 
rials within the I.S.P. 
Review of the Statutes and Bye-Laws 
Item. 2. Election of Honorary Members 
The President then continued by announcing the 
election of Honorary Members. 
Dr. S. G. Gamble: 
| now turn to the matter of Honorary Membership 
and it is with great pleasure that | submit to you 
the names of two photogrammetrists who have 
served the Society well in the past and one in 
particular is going to serve it in the future, at 
least for the next couple of weeks. Dr. Karl Lôf- 
stróm is recommended to you as an Honorary 
Member. Do you accept Dr. Karl Lófstróm as 
Honorary Member? 
Dr. K. G. Lófstróm: 
Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen. 
| am very happy for this great honor. | had not 
thought that in my old age | should still be of 
some use to you. However, | am happy that the 
work that | have done during about 50 years for 
the development of photogrammetry has in this 
way been appreciated. Thank you, all, very much. 
After a short reply to Dr. Lófstróm, Dr. Gamble 
proposed to elect a second Honorary Member.

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