Dr. S. G. Gamble:
In case there is any misunderstanding, there is
no suggestion that Dr. Löfström should imme-
diately become inactive. It is our wish that he
will continue to be as active in photogrammetric
matters as he has been in the past.
The second name. we put forward for Honorary
Membership is M. Georges de Masson d’Autume
of the French Society of Photogrammetry. Many
of the leading photogrammetrists here know him
well and know how he has worked to improve
photogrammetry in its various aspects. Do you
accept the name of M. Georges de Masson d’Au-
tume for Honorary Membership?
Unfortunately, M. de Masson d’Autume is not pre-
sent with us, but | would ask a representative of
the French Society of Photogrammetry to accept
the honor on his behalf.
M. Jean Cruset:
| am sorry that | was unable to get into touch
with M. Carbonnell, the President of the French
Society of Photogrammetry, to ask him to thank
the 1.S.P. Council for the honor which is paid to
the French Society and to M. Georges de Masson
So, | thank you very much, Mr. President and all
Members of the I.S.P. Council, and you, all con-
gressists. Thank you very much, my dear col-
Item 3. Presentation of Brock Gold Medal and
von Gruber Awards
The President then proceeded to the presentation
of awards.
Dr. S. G. Gamble:
We now come to the matter of awards, and, as
you know, we have two awards. In order, the von
Gruber Award will come first, and | am going to
ask the Rector of the International Training Cen-
ter, Dr. A. J. van der Weele, who is one of the
judges for this award and who has done most of
the work that | should have done and with others
has judged upon the papers presented. | ask him
to spend a moment explaining the award before
making the presentation.
Dr. A. J. van der Weele:
Ladies and Gentlemen.
The President asked me in the first place to ex-
plain the von Gruber Award. | can do that very
shortly by saying that the qualifications for the
von Gruber Award shall be that the recipient shall
have written within the four years immediately
preceeding the Congress, at which the Award is
declared, an article of outstanding merit on pho-
togrammetry or photointerpretation, which shall
have been judged by the jury to be the best article
submitted to them.
It is quite clear that the Award is based on an ar-
ticle of outstanding merit this time. — We will
call the name of our candidate now, so that he
will be able to come forward: Dr. Franz Leberl.
— Our candidate has written, in the last four
years immediately preceeding the Congress, a
number of articles which would merit this Award.
And | am particularly glad that his field of activity
is the same as that of the founders of this Award.
Dr. Schermerhorn and Otto von Gruber, whose
name has been attached to this Award, have both
been working in the field of aerotriangulation, in
fact, using aerial images for determining posi-
Dr. Leberl has extended the same idea by using
remote sensing, that is, scanning techniques, in
particular in the field of the radar. He has done
this in such an excellent way that the jury was
unanimously of the opinion that he should get
this Award.
It seems that, for some reason, a misunderstand-
ing maybe, he is not present, so the only thing I
can add now is that | will be glad to present this
Award consisting of a gold medal and a certificate
of honor to him as soon as | meet him, and I
thank you for your attention.
The President then proceeded to the presentation
of the Brock Award.
Dr. S. G. Gamble:
| think we are going to have more luck with the
next person to whom we wish to present an
award. We now turn to the Brock Gold Award,
and | am going to ask the Secretary General,
M. Jean Cruset, to announce the winner of that.
M. Jean Cruset:
Conformément au désir du récépiendaire de la
Médaille d'or Brock, désireux de bien comprendre
mes propos pour pouvoir leur répondre, je ferai
cette présentation en anglais. Mes amis d'ex-
pression anglaise voudront bien excuser mes
erreurs de langage. Quant à ceux qui sont d'ex-
pression frangaise, ils me pardonneront d'autant
plus volontiers cette attitude que les traductions
simultanées sont ici excellentes. The Brock Gold
Medal is an award offered by Mr. Virgil Kauffman,
President of the Aero Service Corporation, the
name being given from the late Brock brothers,
famous pioneers in the field of photogrammetry.
The Medal is presented for outstanding contri-
bution to the development of photogrammetry.
At its yesterday's meeting, the I.S.P. Council de-
cided to attribute the Brock Gold Medal Award
to Prof. Dr. Friedrich Ackermann.
Friedrich Ackermann studied physics at the Uni-
versity of Tübingen and geodesy at the University
of Stuttgart. From 1954 to 1958, he was a scien-
tific collaborator to Zeiss Aerotopograph, first in
Munich, then at Oberkochen. From 1958 to 1966,
he was a lecturer and a senior photogrammetrist
at the I.T.C., Delft, mainly for aerial triangulation
and least squares adjustment. From 1966 till
now, he is a full professor at the University of
Stuttgart, in the chair of photogrammetry and
surveying; he also is the Director of the Institute