| mention the case of Commission IV, supported
by France for the period 1972—1976. The French
Society as a few other national societies
managed so far to fulfill all its obligations in
the matter. Organizing a Symposium in 1974 in
Paris, publishing the proceedings of this Sym-
posium, asking neither registration fee nor charge
for the Symposium Acts, and editing the invited
papers to the Helsinki Congress in the official
language chosen by the author represented a
total expense of 128000 French francs, that is to
say 65600 Swiss francs: 10000 francs having
been granted by the French Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, 5000 francs having been paid by the
exhibitors, 30000 francs coming from the ad-
vertisers (the cost of advertisements for an ordi-
nary year should be taken off), 34500 francs al-
lotted by I.G.N. (plus the staff expenses), 48500
francs, that is to say 25000 Swiss francs, were
supported by the French Society for Photogram-
It is sure that distributing Working Groups to a
larger number of countries would increase the
interest in photogrammetry in these countries,
impose them a reasonable charge, decrease,
the charge of the Member Body chairing the Com-
mission and, gathering a larger number of ex-
perts to work for the Commission, make more
effective the action of I.S.P.
Everyone responsible within the l.S.P. should
strive to develop that action. | do not think it
necessary to set up a new Working Group to
promote it: the new Council should be able to
give a few guiding rules by itself.
Let me add that increasing the number of Work-
ing Groups should make easier the joint work of
classical photogrammetrists and experts in re-
mote sensing, as well as the practical interpen-
etration of the areas of interest common to I.S.P.
and its sister organizations such as F.I.G., I.C.A. or
| intend to clarify certain points, namely con-
cerning the Working Groups, as the General
Assembly will go on electing Member Bodies to
take Technical Commissions in charge.
Item 9.(14) Election of Member Societies re-
sponsible for Technical Commissions
The General Assembly allotted the Technical
Commissions to Member Organizations for the
period of 1976— 1980 as follows:
Commission | Japan
President: Dr. Iwao Nakajima
Commission Il France
President: M. Maurice Baussart
(Secretary: Dr. André Fontanel)
Commission lll U.S.S.R.
President: Dr. Ivan Antipov
Commission IV Canada
President: Dr. J.M. Zarzycki
Commission V Sweden
President: Dr. Kennert Torlegárd
Commission VI Poland
President: Dr. Zbigniew Sitek
Commission VII Federal Republic of Germany
President: Dr. Gerd Hildebrandt
The results of the votes on Commissions IV, V,
and VI were as follows:
Commission IV Canada 28
India 19
blank 1
Commission V Sweden 23
Greece 22
blank 1
Commission VI Poland 24
U.S.A. 23
The Secretary General observed that, in cases
where there had been a close tie between ap-
plicants, the losing country should be invited to
cooperate with the host country by offering it a
Working Group of the Commission concerned.
Item 10. (20) Election of President and other
members of Financial Commission
Council had agreed that the Financial Commis-
sion would consist of Professor van der Weele as
President and Messrs. Huber and Rogers as Mem-
bers. The General Assembly approved this ar-
Item 11. Fourth General Assembly
To complete the Agenda, the General Assembly
decided to meet a fourth time, on Friday, July
23, 1976, at 10.45 in Lecture Hall A of the Hel-
sinki University of Technology.
The President adjourned the meeting.