Full text: Proceedings (Part 1)

Held on Friday, July 23, 1976, from 10.45 to 12.30 at the Helsinki University of Technology, Otaniemi 
Forty-seven Member Bodies were in attendance. The Council of the 1.S.P. attended the meeting. 
Items not listed on the original 
Approval of Agenda 
Approval of the minu- 
tes of the third General 
Items on the original Agenda 
3. (21) Publication of I.S.P. in- 
Points ne figurant pas à l’Ordre 
du jour original 
Adoption de l'ordre du 
Adoption du  procés- 
verbal de la troisiéme 
réunion de l'Assemblée 
Points à l'Ordre du jour original 
3. (21) Publication des infor- 
mations de la S.I.P. 
In der originalen Tagesordnung 
nicht aufgeführte Punkte 
Annahme der Tages- 
Annahme der Nieder- 
schrift der dritten Voll- 
Punkte der originalen Tagesord- 
nung umgeordnet 
3. (21) Veröffentlichung 
I.G.P. Information 
4. (19) Relations with sister 4. (19) Relations avec les Or- 4. (19) Beziehungen zu fach- 
organizations ganisations-Soeurs verwandten Organisa- 
5. (22) Rise in effectiveness 5. (22) Accroissement de l’ef- tionen 
of I.S.P. ficacité de la S.I.P. 5. (22) Erhöhung der Effektivi- 
6. (23) Proposed revision of 6. (23) Revision eventuelle tät der 1.G.P. 
Statutes and Bye-Laws des Statuts et du Rég- 6. (23) Vorgeschlagene Revisi- 
7. (15) Further consideration lement intérieur on der Statuten und Aus- 
of Remote Sensing Pos- 7. (15) Retour sur la place de führungsbestimmungen 
ition in Society la télédétection dans la 7. (15) Weitere Aspekte zum 
(24) Other business con- Société Status der Fernerkund- 
sidered appropriate for (24) Autres questions dont ung in der Gesellschaft 
General Assembly ses- l'intérét sera apparu (24) Andere wichtige Agen- 
sions lors des sessions de dapunkte für die Sit- 
8. Regional Photogram- l'Assemblée générale zungen der Generalver- 
metric Institutes 8. Instituts régionaux sammlung 
9. Disposition of the Flag pour la recherche en 8. Regionale photogram- 
of I.S.P. photogrammétrie metrische Institutionen 
10. Value of Landsat Data 9. Transmission du dra- 9. Übergabe der Fahne 
peau de la S.I.P. der I.S.P. 
10. Appréciation de la va- 10. Wert des Landsat-Ma- 
leur des informations 
fournies par les Land- 
Item 1. Approval of Agenda 
The General Assembly approved the Agenda 
with the following modification: a resolution 
concerning Landsat 1 and 2 was added to the 
Agenda as the fourth item of Other Business (24). 
Item 2. Approval of the minutes of the third 
General Assembly 
The General Assembly approved the minutes of 
the third General Assembly, held on July 20, 
1976, after correcting a typographical error in 
Item 7, point 2 to read "the said change be made 
no later than July 31, 1977”. 
At the same time an error was pointed out in the 
title of Paragraph 11 of the "Decisions of the 
General Assembly", distributed at the meeting: 
this should read "Remote Sensing in the So- 
Item 3. (21) Publication of I.S.P. information 
The General Assembly approved the establish- 
ment of a quarterly news bulletin for the pur- 
pose of disseminating information about the ac- 
tivities of the I.S.P. and, in particular, its Tech- 
nical Commissions and their Working Groups. 
The detailed arrangements for producing this 
quarterly, which Mr. G.C. Tewinkel has agreed to 
edit, are to be worked out by the 1976—1980 

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