Final Plenary Session and Closing Ceremony — Session pléniére finale et Cérémonie de clóture —
Letzte Vollversammlung und Schlusszeremonie
Held on Friday, July 23, at 18.00 at the Helsinki University of Technology, Otaniemi
. Resolutions
. Telegram of thanks to the
President of Finland
. Presentation of certificates
for Honorary Membership
. Presentation of von Gruber
Award to Dr. Franz Leberl —
Professor A.J. van der Weele
and Recom-
mendations of General As-
sembly and Council — Sec-
retary General, M. Jean
.Resolutions of the seven
Technical Commissions —
First Vice-President, Mr.
G.C. Tewinkel assisted by
Commission Presidents
Ordre du jour
Télégramme de remercie-
ments au Président de la
République finlandaise
. Remise des certificats aux
Membres honoraires
. Remise du Prix Otto von
Gruber au Dr. Franz Leberl
par le Professeur A.J. van
der Weele
. Décisions et récommanda-
tions de l'Assemblée géné-
rale et du Conseil, présen-
tées par le Secrétaire géné-
ral M. Jean Cruset
. Résolutions des sept Com-
missions techniques, pré-
sentées par le Premier Vice-
. Verleihung der
. Resolutionen
Danktelegramm an den Herrn
Staatsprásidenten von Finn-
. Verleihung der Urkunden an
Otto von
Gruber — Auszeichnung an
Dr. Franz Leberl — Profes-
Sor A.J. van der Weele
. Resolutionen und Empfehl-
ungen der Generalversamm-
lung und des Vorstandes —
Generalsekretár Jean Cruset
der sieben
Technischen Kommissionen
— Vizeprásident G.C. Tewin-
kel und Kommissionsprási-
6. Address of outgoing Presi- Président M. G.C. Tewinkel, denten
dent — Dr. S.G. Gamble assisté des Présidents de 6. Schlussaussprache des bis-
7. Introduction of the incoming Commission herigen Prasidenten — Dr.
President including handing 6. Allocution du Président sor- S.G. Gamble
over the Chain of Office tant, le Dr. S.G. Gamble 7. Vorstellung des neuen Prä-
8. Address of the incoming T. Présentation du nouveau sidenten mit Übergabe der
President — M. Jean Cruset Président et remise du col- Amtskette
9.Address of the outgoing lier de fonction 8. Ansprache des neuen Prá-
Congress Director — Dr. 8. Allocution du nouveau Pré- sidenten — Jean Cruset
h.c. K.G. Lófstróm sident, /’Ingénieur général 9. Ansprache des scheidenden
10. Address of the incoming Jean Cruset Kongressdirektors — Dr.
Congress Director — Dr. 9. Allocution du Directeur du h.c. K.G. Lófstróm
Gottfried Konecny Congrés sortant, le Dr. h.c. 10. Ansprache des neuen Kon-
11. Closing of the final Plenary K.G. Lófstróm gressdirektors — Dr. Gott-
Session and Closing Cere-
Allocution du nouveau Di-
recteur du Congrés, le Dr.
Gottfried Konecny
Clotüre de la derniére ses-
sion pléniére et de la Cé-
rémonie de clotüre
fried Konecny
Abschliessen der letzten
Vollversammlung und der
ltem 1. Telegram of thanks to the President
of Finland
The President of I.S.P. opened the final Plenary
Session by reading a telegram of thanks to be
sent by the I.S.P. to His Excellency the Presi-
dent of Finland, Honorary Patron of the XIIIth
International Congress for Photogrammetry. The
proposed telegram read as follows:
The representatives of the 48 National Photo-
grammetric Societies who are attending the
XIIIth International Congress for Photogram-
metry that concludes in Helsinki today, have
instructed me to convey through you their great
appreciation to the Government and people of
Finland for the valuable contribution your
country has made to photogrammetry in or-
ganizing and providing the splendid facilities for
our Helsinki Congress.
We also request you to convey to their Wor-
ships the Mayors of Helsinki and Espoo and the
Rector of the Technical University of Helsinki
our appreciation of their important contributions
to the success of our Congress and for the many
courtesies extended to us by your countrymen.
The name of Helsinki appears along with that
of the other great cities of the world where our
Congresses have been held but | assure you that
those of us privileged to participate in this Con-
gress will leave with lasting memories of the
pleasant days spent in Finland.
The Plenary Session gave its approval and the
President thanked it for its unanimous support
of the message.