Full text: Proceedings (Part 1)

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Item 2. Presentation of certificate for Honorary 
The President then proceeded to present the 
certificates for Honorary Membership to Dr. h.c. 
K. G. Lófstróm and to M. Georges de Masson 
d'Autume, M. M. Carbonnell accepting M. d'Au- 
tume's certificate in his absence. 
Item 3. Presentation of the von Gruber Award 
Professor A.J. van der Weele was then called 
upon to present the von Gruber Award to Dr. 
Franz Leber], who had been unable to attend 
the inaugural Plenary Session. 
In his address of thanks Dr. Leberl observed 
that much of the credit for the award and honor 
bestowed upon him should go to his teachers in 
Vienna and to ITC in Enschede for the facilities 
placed at his disposal. He considered receiving 
the von Gruber Award a great source of inspira- 
Item 4. Resolutions and Recommendations of 
General Assembly and Council 
The President then asked the Congress Director 
to accept the chairmanship. 
Dr. h.c. K.G. Lófstróm called upon the Secretary 
General to present the "Decisions of the Ge- 
neral Assembly". 
(see page 69) 
Item 5. Resolutions of the seven Technical 
The Congress Director then called upon the 
First Vice-President to present the Resolutions 
of the seven Technical Commissions as drafted 
by the three-man Resolutions Committee: Mr. 
G. C. Tewinkel, Dr. Jórg Albertz and Mr. Paul 
Louis Baetsle. 
The Presidents of the five Commissions present 
read the Resolutions of their respective Com- 
missions and Vice-President Tewinkel read 
those for Commissions | and Ill. 
(see page 74) 
Item 6. Address of outgoing President 
The floor was then given to Dr. S.G. Gamble for 
his address as outgoing President of the I.S.P. 
Dr. S.G. Gamble: 
Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. 
First. May | express the appreciation of all par- 
ticipants in the Congress to Congress Director 
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Lófstróm, the Congress Board and Committees 
and all those Finns who united together to pro- 
vide the facilities, hospitality and general atmos- 
phere so essential to the success of a large 
international gathering such as our photogram- 
metric Congresses have become. | include, of 
cource, the Rector of the Technical University of 
Helsinki, the faculty, staff and student body 
and | know the extent of the support the auth- 
orities of the University provided. Besides the 
many tasks they have performed they have also 
provided excellent accomodation and, in so do- 
ing, have had to vacate their offices and gener- 
ally inconvenienced themselves, and this they 
have done most cheerfully. 
In particular, a word of thanks to he Chairperson 
of the Program for Accompanying Persons, Mrs. 
Eranti. We regret that she has been taken ill but 
the ladies are sending her a small token of their 
appreciation and this will be delivered tomorrow. 
Would all the Congress workers, from the Con- 
gress Director down, please stand and be re- 
Second. A word of thanks to the Commission Presi- 
dents and their Working Group Chairmen who 
carried the main load of ensuring that our Society 
follows its intended course. At times | know 
that they considered their task to be somewhat 
thankless, plagued as they are by all sorts of 
obstacles, but they have prevailed and given 
an excellent account of themselves. Would the 
Commission Presidents please stand and be 
Third. The Council that Professor Solaini spoke 
about so kindly four years ago has certainly lived 
up to expectations. It has supported me in mag- 
nificent fashion during these past four years and 
has done much to cover up my deficiencies. 
Would the members of Council please stand 
and be recognized. 
Fourth. The Financial Commission which has 
studied our problems and paved the way for a 
new approach to our financial and administrative 
matters. | regret that Colonel Rogers, the Chair- 
man, is not able to be present but | know that 
Dr. Fagundes will convey to him our appreciation. 
Fifth. The Member Bodies. They are shareholders 
in our organization and we hope they will be 
joined by another group of shareholders at an 
early date — the Sustaining Members. It is the 
duty of Member Bodies to see to it that the I.S.P. 
follows a sound course. 
Now a few words about our Society and it is 
my belief that it has increased in stature during 
these past four years. It has arrived at another 
stage in its development and, besides good tech- 
nical programs, it is important to have a sound 
organization structure and the resources to 
carry out its role. Equally important is having the 
right people in the right positions at the right 
time and | believe that we have achieved this 
for the period 1976—80. 
The next four years will be extremely important 
to photogrammetry and our Society. | have no 
doubt that in the capable hands into which you 
have assigned its affairs, it will meet all chal- 
lenges. As | shall remain on Council, in ac- 
cordance with the Statutes at least for a little 
while, | shall not say goodbye. However, we are 
losing four very able gentlemen from Council 

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