Deliberations of the Technical Commissions — Deliberations des Commissions techniques — Verhand-
lungen der Technischen Kommissionen
The ISP Council and the Presidents and Secretaries of the ISP Commissions discussed the drafting
of the minutes of commission sessions, to be published in the Archives, at their meeting held in Hel-
sinki on July 11, 1976. Here they decided that the minutes should be recorded by the Commission
Secretaries, after which the Commission Presidents should approve them and hand them over to the
Secretary of the Congress by the end of the Congress.
As to the contents of the minutes, it was decided not to give a verbatim report, but to include only
summaries of discussions. In principle, only the titles and authors of the papers presented at the
Congress were to be mentioned.
Later on, however, the editors of the Archives considered it appropriate to complete and make uniform
the minutes of the different Commissions, partly by following the procedure of the meetings on
magnetic tape and partly by quoting the forms with written comments handed in by speakers having
participated in the discussions. Even so, only minor alternations have been made.
Amendments improving the readability of the text include the chronological numbering of the sessions
of each Commission, covering business meetings and technical sessions alike. Furthermore, the
Reports, Invited Papers and Presented Papers are followed by code numbers referring to either Archives,
Vol. XXI, Parts 2—5 or Presented Papers, Parts 1—7. No code number is given for papers not delivered
to the Secretariate of the Congress and consequently not included in the publications mentioned above.
President: Dr. E. P. Welander (Sweden)
Secretary: Mr. B. Adolfsson (Sweden)
Monday, July 12, 1976, from 14.15 to 15.00
Session 1 of Commission |
Topic: Business Meeting
Chairman: Dr. E. P. Welander (Sweden)
1. Opening of Business Meeting
Dr. Welander, President of Commission I, opened
the meeting and gave a brief summary of Com-
mission | activities during the past four years.
2. Working Group Reports
The chairmen of the Working Groups summarized
their Reports and gave the following statements:
2.1. WG I/1 Image Geometry
Dr. D. C. Merchant (U.S.A.), co-chairman, stated
that the Working Group was chaired by Dr. H.
Ziemann (Canada). Two reseau cameras, Zeiss
RMK-AR 15/23 and modified Wild RC-8 15UAg R10,
had been calibrated by seven different camera
calibration facilities which were representative
on a world-wide basis. These results would be
compared to assess consistency among the
various procedures. No attempt would be made
to assess accuracy. The Working Group had also
been concerned with studies using test field
photography. It was anticipated that work would
be continued on these studies.
2.2. WG I/3 Remote Sensing
Dr. W. A. Fischer (U.S.A.) said that the remote
sensing session would stress applications of
Landsat information, the observation of lumines-
cence, and the observation of thermal structures
of the earth.
2.3. WG I/2 OTF/IMTF
Mrs. C. Norton (U.S.A.) gave a brief summary of
the Working Group Report and outlined the
coming session on this subject. The Working
Group has made a summary of the definitions of
MTF in various countries and ascertained the
position of MTF as a quality criterion in optical
3. Technical Sessions of Commission I
President We/ander reviewed the Commission |
sessions during the Congress.