President: Dr. G. Inghilleri (Italy)
Secretary: Dr. B. Astori (Italy)
Monday, July 12, 1976, from 15.15 to 16.00
Session 1 of Commission Il
Topic: Business Meeting
Chairman: Dr. G. Inghilleri (Italy)
1. Activities of the Commission in the Past Period
The President summarized the activities covered
in the printed report and thanked all who had
contributed to the work of the Commission.
The Working groups of Commission ll during
1972— 1976:
WG 1/2 Standard Tests
Chairman: Dr. M. Déhler (F.R.G.)
WG 11/3 Automated and Digital Instruments
Chairman: Mr. K. Korimoto (Japan)
WG 11/4 Orthophoto Equipments
Chairman: Dr. T. Blachut (Canada)
2. Activities of the Commission During the
It was pointed out by the President that one of
the most important tasks is the drafting of the
Resolutions concerning the future activities
of the Commission. The following persons were
appointed to draft the Resolutions: Dr. B.
Makarovié (Netherlands) as chairman, Dr. H.
Schéler (G.D.R.), Dr. T. J. Blachut (Canada),
Dr. Inghilleri, Dr. J. Case (U.S.A.), Mr. M. Baus-
sart (France), and Dr. L. Wassiljew (U.S.S.R.).
3. Future Activities of the Commission
The President suggested the continuation of
Working Group 1I/4, "Orthophoto Equipments",
for performing further experimental work on
comparing apparatuses and for allowing im-
provements of the techniques.
The proposal to split Working Group II/3 into
two was accepted. The new Working Groups
would be called "Automated Equipments" and
"Analytical Instruments". One of the tasks of
the latter one would be to define what exactly is
meant by "Analytical Instruments".
The President suggested that the eventual for-
mation of any other Working Group should be
discussed at the 2nd Business Meeting, where
the new President of Commission Il would be
able to participate. On this occasion it would
also be convenient to assign new names to the
existing Working Groups.
Tuesday, July 13, 1976, from 14.00 to 15.30
Session 2 of Commission Il
Topic: Orthophoto Equipments
Chairman: Dr. G. Inghilleri (Italy)
The first Technical Session of Commission Il
was opened by Dr. Inghilleri, President of the
Commission, who reviewed the activities of the
Commission during the past four years. He
noted that a successful Symposium was held
by Commission Il in Turin Italy, in October 1974.
The theme of the session, Orthophoto Equip-
ments, was then highlighted by Dr. T. J. Blachut
of Canada who gave the Working Group Report
on the International Orthophoto Experiment.
Working Group Paper
Dr. M. C. van Wijk (Canada)
Dr. T. K. Blachut (Canada)
Title: Results of the International Ortho-
photo Experiment 1972—1976
WGR 11/03 :
The accuracy and resolution of orthophotos
produced by several different equipments were
compared. Every effort was made to perform
comparable tests with the different instruments.
The tests appeared to be quite definitive. One
interesting test was to generate orthophotos
from both the right and left photograph of a
stereo pair of photos: the resulting orthophotos,
when viewed in stereo, should form a perfectly
flat model if produced without error.
At the end of the presentation a discussion
was sollicited by the chairman, asking for
comments and remarks by the audience.
Mr. G. Ducher (France) asked if the experiments
on orthophoto would be continued. Dr. Blachut
informed the audience that at the first Business
Meeting the Commission Board had decided on
the continuation of the Working Group on
orthophoto, and that the new President of
Commission Il would probably be a Frenchman,
a photogrammetrist whom Mr. Ducher could
easily contact.
Dr. B. Makarovic (Netherlands) pointed out that,
in the results of the experiments made, it is
necessary to take into account that some instru-
ments are automatic and others manual and
suggested such a division for further investi-
gation. Dr. Blachut answered, that so far the
investigation is made with available commercial
instruments for practical purposes, and it can be
increased in future if the need arises.
Dr. J. Case (U.S.A.) asked for information about
the problems which are typical of productive
work. He pointed out, that in future it will be
suitable to separate profiling and orthophoto-
printing. Dr. Blachut said that in a scientific
experiment these types of problems cannot be
dealt with.
Ms. Fleming (Canada) asked about the quality
of images particularly about the contrast.