Full text: National reports (Part 2)

commenced in 1955. Nontopographic photogrammetry for 
protection of cultural monuments and archeological 
objects was applied for the first time by Prof.A.Raikov 
and Prof.Iv.Haidushki in 1957. Prof.Raikov led the 
implanting of analogue aerotriangulation at the enter- 
prise "Geoplanproject" in 1958, while Prof. Haidushki 
introduced photogrammetry in hydrotechnical constructon, 
in the corréction of river beds and the construction of 
dams, as well as in forestry, markscheider work, archi- 
tecture, building construction deformations etc. A limi- 
ted implantation of analytic aerotriangulation in topo- 
graphic geodetic production commenced at the Institute 
of Geodesy and Photogrammetry in 1967. Digital models in 
photogrammetry began to be used at the Institute of Geo- 
desy and Photogrammetry in 1972. The revision of the 
topographic map at scale 1:25 000 in orthophotoscopic 
manner was experimentally carried out in the same year 
while orthophotoplanes were introduced in large-scale 
and nontopographic work in 1975. 
Research work in the field of photogrammetry is 
being performed at the higher institutes and individu- 
ally at the special institutes in Geodesy, Photogram- 
metry and Cartography. This activity finds periodic 
publicity at the scientific-technical conferences, sym- 
posiums etc. The achievements in photogrammetry in 
this country are reported at these conferences. The re- 
ports are published in collected editions issued in 
connection with the respective conferences. Usually the 
national conferences are held in accordance with the 

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