Full text: National reports (Part 2)

- 22 - © © 
Scientific-Technical Union of the Bulgarian geodesists 
and land surveyors which is the single organisation of 
the scientific and technical workers in this field in 
our country. The individual institutes hold separate 
conferences and symposiums at suitable occasions with the 
purpose of publishing and raising public discussions on 
their results in the field of photogrammetry. The re- 
ports, the works and the information of the institutes 
are issued in separate publications or collected works. 0 ! e 
Generally the publications of the achievements in photo- 
grammetry in this country and in the world photogrammetric 
practice are published in geodetic magazinges, such as 
those of the scientific-technical unions of the Bulgarian 
geodesists and land-surveyors known as "Geodesy; Carto- 
graphy and Landserveying", the officisl bulletins of 
GUGK - called "GUGK Information" and some others. 
Commission VII 
Photointerpretation ¢ ® 
Interpretation as one of the fundamental processes 
in photogrammetric methods in working out geodetic plans 
and topographic maps finds a wide application in the 
People's Republic of Bulgaria in making: 
- topographic maps and scale 1:25 OCO and 1:50 000; 
- large-scale maps of the country at scales 1:5000 
and 1:10 000; 
- maps and plans at scales 1:10 000; 1:2 000; 
1:1000; 1:500 and 1:200 for investigation and projecting. 
The application of deciphering started in this country 

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