Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Allam, M.M., Chaly, C.K. and Wong, C.K. (1976): Geometrical Distribution of Vertical Control and the 
Simultaneous Adjustment of Auxiliary Data in Independent Model Triangulation, 
ISP, Commission III, Helsinki. 
Allam, M.M., Chaly, C.K. (1975): Block Adjustment Using the New Version of PATM-43 with APR, Statos- 
cope and Lakes, (Unpublished Manuscript) Surveys and Mapping Branch, E.M.R. 
Allam, M.M., Gareau, R.M. (1975): SPACE-M and PATM-43 Block Adjustments in Theory and Practice C.TI.S. 
Convention, Fredericton, N.B. 
Allam M.M., Wong C.K., (1976): Griddings Topographical Surfaces, ISP, Commission III, Helsinki. 
Blais, J.A.R. (1973): Spatial Adjustment of Large Blocks of Stereoscopic Models In Topographical 
Mapping. (Interim Issue), Surveys and Mapping Branch, E.M.R. Ottawa. 
Blais, J.A.R. (1974): Program SPACE-M Users Manual, (Interim Issue), Surveys and Mapping Branch, 
E.M.R., Ottawa. 
Blais, J.A.R. (1976): SPACE-M Spatial Photogrammetric Adjustment for Control Extensions Using Inde- 
pendent Models, ISP, Commission III, Helsinki, Finland 
Blais, J.A.R. (1976): PROGRAM SPACE-M, Theory and Development (Under preparation) Scientific Report 
Series SMP-1208E, Surveys and Mapping Branch, E.M.R. 
Blais, J.A.R. (1976): PROGRAM SPACE-M, Users Instructions (Under preparation) Manual Series SMP-1110E, 
Surveys and Mapping Branch, E.M.R. 
Collins, S.H. (1975): Terrain Parameters Directly from a Digital Terrain Model, The Canadian Surveyor, 
Vol, 29, December 1975 
Derenyi, E., Maarek, A. (1973): Geometrical Test of Side-Looking Radar Imagery, paper presented at 
39th ASP convention, March, 1973. 
Faig, W., S. El Hakin (1976): Some Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Aerotriangulation with Auxiliary 
Data ASP, 42rd Meeting, Washington. 
Faig, W., (1976): Independent Model Triangulation with Auxiliary Vertical Control ISP, Commission III, 
Faig, W. (1975): Independent Model Triangulation with Auxiliary Data Using PATM-43, C.I.S. 
Convention, Fredericton, N.B. 
Faig, W., (1975): Independent Model Triangulation with Statoscope, Report prepared for Surveys 
and Mapping Division, Maritime Land, Registration and Information Service. 
Gareau, R.M. (1975): A Guide to Data Processing Using the SPACE-M Adjustment Program (Interim Issue), 
Surveys and Mapping Branch E.M.R. 
Kratky, V. (1974): Cartographic Accuracy of ERTS, Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. 50, No. 2 
pp. 203.- 212. 
Kraticy, V. (1975): Block Adjustment of Geographical System for Statistical Data Files. The Canadian 
Surveyor, Vol. 29, September 1975. 
Maarek, A. (1973): New Math for Independent-Model Triangulation Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. 39, 
No. 10, pp. 1077 - 1086 
Masry, S.E. (1973): Simple Automatic Profiling, paper presented at 39th ASP convention. March 1973. 
Masry, S.E. (1974): Digital Correlation Principles, Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. 50, No. 3 
pp. 303 - 308. 
Masry, S.E. and Vanicek, P. (1975): Derivation of Camera Rotations from LTN-51 Inertial Navigation 
System Technical Report No. 34, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B. 
Peet, F.G., (1975): The Use of Invariants in the Transformation and Registration of Images, The 
Canadian Surveyor, December 1975. 
Saastamoinen, J. (1974): Local Variation of Photogrammetric Refraction, Photogrammetric Engineering, 
Vol. 50,: No. 3, pps 295 =:301. 

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