Production of Maps
The most important product of Finnish photogrammetric map production,
the basic map covering the whole country, produced by the National
Board of Survey, was completed in 1975 as for the field work. The map
has been prepared at the scale of 1:10 000 and has been printed in six
colors at the scale of 1:20 000. A11 2 700 map sheets of this map have
been surveyed at least once. The field work for a topographic map of
northern Finland at the scale of 1:20 000 has also been completed. The
work to be done from now on is map revision. The annual output has been
about 11 000 km.
The annual output of the map at the scale of 1:2 000 has been about
850 km“, and of this an area of about 350 km“ has been mapped by the
National Board of Public Roads and Waterways for its own road plans and
the rest has been mapped by private engineering companies for local
authorities and industrial employers using them for various purposes.
The total annual output of the maps at the scales of 1:500 and 1:1 000
has been about 200 km“, and they have been made mainly for communal
The annual production of maps at the scale of 1:5 000 has evenly increased
and has been about 750 km* during the latter part of the term.
Foreign surveys are gaining an ever increasing foothold in the programs
of Finnish surveyors. The largest survey abroad, a map at the scale of
1:50 000 of the Natural Park of Serengeti, covering an area of about
50 000 km“, was made for the State of Tansania during the years 1972-1974,
In addition to stereomappings, various aerial photomaps, controlled photo
mosaics, and orthophotos have been prepared at different scales and for
various purposes. About ] 500 km“ of orthophotos and about 5 000 km“ of
aerial photomaps have been prepared annually at the scale of 1:10 000.
A black-and-white controlled photo mosaic covering the whole of nothern
Finland has been made at the scales of 1:100 000 and 1:400 000.