Full text: National reports (Part 2)

The world has witnessed in the last decade the extraordinary develop- 
ment of artificial satellites. In 1972 and 1973, when the ERTS and SKYLAB 
missions were carried out, the Instituto Geográfico. Militar started to attach 
a particular interest to this new source of cartographic information. 
On this last matter, the Instituto Geográfico Militar performs co-re- 
search work at the 496 B Experiment named "General Evaluation of the 
SKYLAB satellite imagery for Latin American cartography”. It accordingly 
directed its efforts to the preparation of expeditious cartography, scale 
1:250 000, of flat regions. 
With the mentioned purpose and taking into account the coverage 
made by the satellite images of SKYLAB lll, frames 200-199-198 and 197 
obtained with S 190 B camera, were selected. They cover a large portion 
of the “Chascomüs” sheet (3557-111). 
This sheet was selected because it was printed and obtained through 
compilation of the existing regular cartography at scale 1:50 000. There- 
fore, it is an excellent "testing ground" regarding the precision that can 
be obtained in restitution, as well as the verification of the photointerpre- 
tative quality achieved when using satellite images at scale 1:950 000. 
The area which was covered and the geographic situation of the re- 
gular and expeditious mapping performed during the period June 1972- 
June 1976 is shown on graph Enclosure N? 2. 
El mundo, en este ültimo decenio, ha sido escenario del desarrollo 
inusitado de los satélites artificiales y es en especial, en 1972 y 1973 
cuando se concretan las misiones espaciales ERTS y SKYLAB, que el 
Instituto Geográfico Militar toma particular interés por esta fuente nove- 
dosa de información cartográfica. 
Justamente, en este ültimo aspecto, el IGM actüa como coinvestiga- 
dor en el Experimento 496 B "Evaluación General de las Imágenes Sate- 
litarias SKYLAB para la Cartografía de América Latina". 
En relación con este experimento se dirigió los esfuerzos hacia la 
confección de cartografía expeditiva a la escala 1:250000 en regiones 

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